I want to help you write through trauma

Here's the truth: writing through trauma for release and recovery is my life goal, and I'm achieving it. Helping others do the same thing? That's cherry and whipped cream and hot fudge and peanut butter drizzle on my already awesome strawberry sundae. It would be impossible to overstate the level of joy I feel when I have the honor of supporting individuals in the writing of their pain. Whether it is based in loss, addiction, abuse, violence, religious trauma or any other number of possibilities, I am grateful to be able to offer my services.

A key component of trauma writing is reframing. There is beauty even in pain.
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But I am only one person. A woman who teaches at a local college, homeschools one child, leads a Daisy troop and writes minimum three times a day on Steemit. That means I keep my online class sizes small. And they fill up pretty quickly.

February 27th opens my next session of online Writing through Trauma classes for the Center for Creative Writing. Do you have emotional blocks you'd like to release on the page? Do you have stories you'd like to put to rest? I'd love to work on that with you. You can learn more about Writing through Trauma to Truth here.

Questions? Put them in comments or find me on Discord. I'm @shawnamawna#4255 and happy to chat trauma writing with you.

You can also scroll back through my feed to see some of my posts on writing difficult stories. Or click above on my personal website. I've been doing this work for quite awhile. I love it. Eventually I will be traveling all over the globe hosting retreats and accepting SBD. If you want to work on something like that with me, please speak up.

Finally, whether you choose to pursue writing as a path to healing, I hope you find whatever support you need.



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