Lucid Dreaming: A Foot In Both Worlds

A lucid dream is a dream during which the dreamer is aware of dreaming. (Wikipedia). Some people practice for years to be able to have a lucid dream. To me, they come naturally...


Sometimes I wake up at night
Not knowing what’s going on

Footsteps in the hallway
Scare the f**ing shit out of me
I run, I hide,
I wish they go away
But they don’t

Until I realize
I’m only dreaming...

A whole new world opens
A world where I’m in control
I choose my path
I explore my possibilities
I rule my world

I hear the sounds
From the daily life
Outside my dream
Trying to wake me up.

I can define them
But I can choose to ignore them
And dream on

I take my steps
Inside my dream
Steps I would never take
When I would be awake

Then the footsteps again
I’m sure it’s my girl coming home
so I wake myself up

Only to find
It was just a dream...



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