The Weekend Freewrite 7

Hi Everyone!

This is my Weekend Freewrite that @mariannewest works her bum off to put together every day for anyone that wants to play along.

I will say that it has become the most therapeutic thing I have ever done. I owe her so many thanks that soon she will be tired of me saying it! LOLL

I think I'm not the only one that now looks forward to the weekend #freewrite just to see what three CRaZy prompts she has in store for us to weave into a tale.

This story is dedicated to @byn. She is in need of a happy story today and I hope I filled the bill with what you are about to read.

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There I was, just standing there, when what I wanted to do was forbidden.

They had said the rules must be followed for a reason. Never stating what that reason was. It was always so frustrating when being told what to do when no real reason was given.

As I stood there and contemplated my life I knew this would be the turning point I had been waiting for my whole life.

No more following the rules for me. My time was at hand.

Too many times I had been here before only to be stopped by fear but over the years I had learned to control that fear for just this day.

I reached over and turned the switch and the music started to play. It was a happy sound like the forest came alive in front of me. You could smell the moss, the leaves from the trees and hear the animals rustling about on their daily tasks.

The sense of peace that came over me was beyond anything I could have ever dreamed of.

Was this why they keep this a secret?


She may be young, but she is not stupid thought Charlie on that fateful day when the new world opened up before her very eyes.

She slowly stepped into the ring of the green glow to follow the sounds that were so comforting.

How could this be a bad thing? Why oh why has this secret been kept at all? To make the forest an evil thing? Why would someone go to so much trouble to hide this paradise?

Charlie walked the path of 1000 years slowly, looking at all to see.

The birds were flying in loop de loops in front of her. Charlie stopped and let out a laugh that carried for miles and sounds like the bells of old. Soft and light the sound carried over hills and planes for all to hear as Charlie made her way closer and closer to the center, the heart of the jungle she now found herself in.


The day I loaned Morgan 400 bucks was the best day of all thought
Charlie, as she sat on her chair like a Queen on a throne.

Leading me to be broke and broken at the bottom of the world.

Nothing to lose but her life. The fear had all gone. There was finally nothing to lose and in doing so she found the greatest gift of all, her heart and home.

The Pages then came to ask Her Royal Highness Charlie Bolin if she wanted of anything? A drink? A meal? The finest was offered to the long-lost daughter of the greatest King that ever lived and ruled the land.


The day Queen Charlie came home was still celebrated and stories were told of the small women that came to call on a warm November day.

How she had no idea who she really was and how the Wizard had to explain again and again, how it came to be, that she was The Queen of all the land.


Happy Writing!

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