Easy way to find links to all your Steemit posts.

Hi Everyone!

When I make new posts I like to link past posts of the same type I have done at the bottom of the newest post I just made.

I like to do that for a couple of reasons. First being if someone likes what I have written on a subject they can very easily find my other post(s) while they are still thinking about it. Second being, I can find my other posts easily if I want to check on something.

I like to group all my #freewrite posts together. Also, Sims 4 posts which means, on my computer, I have to keep a folder with all the links, make sure I keep that list updated and not lose it. Needless to say, my list is never correct on my computer so I have to always go searching for the newest links. Until today!

While talking to my son @ecoinstant today, he asked me to test something for him so of course I did and my mind was blown away! No more having to save links!

He has made a program that will show you every link to every post you have made. You can also search by the tags you put your post under. No more extra folders on my computer now!

Where is this new tool hiding? It's at https://coffeesource.net/

Once you click the link to https://coffeesource.net/ you will see a place to put in your Steemit.com Username.

After you enter your username click on Search.

You will now see a list of every post you have ever done on Steemit.com.

The type on the screen is set up with the Markdown Styling your post needs.

All you have to do is highlight, copy and paste the copy into your post! Yaaay! less work for me!

But wait! there is more!

What about someone like me that just wants my Sims 4 posts? They just added a Tag filter today.

In the box that says filter by tag add the tag you are looking for and hit Enter.

As you can see, two posts popped up.

I knew I had done more posts than that so I then clicked on Load more Posts and Whallllaaaaaaa!

I now had all the links to just my Sims 4 posts.

I then just copied and pasted the links into my newest Sims 4 post I did this morning and I was a very Happy Camper!

I hope this has helped everyone as much it has me!! I think this is the best-kept secret on Steemit! LOL

Thank goodness he's my son and he needed to talk to me today!

Happy Posting!

If you would like to check out some of my other posts please click on the links below:

3 story sunken buildings~Sims 4
Keeping Promises~
Day 55: Freewrite - Prompt: spent and tired
Gullible Berney
The Power of Steemit and #Freewrite

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