50 word short story entry in Thursday doodle.

I saw this post @airmatti/thursday-doodle-becomes-a-contest-write-your-own-story-about-the-drawing-and-win-40sbd-total-prizes and didn't look at the date.
I spent all night thinking about my entry, and sat down excitedly to write it up and put it in and found out I was out of luck on that one.

But I just saw it again, when I opened up my new word processor (ghostwriter, I love it so far, very simple) and decided it was worth posting . The story was to be inspired by this drawing @airmatti's drawing and not to be more than fifty words in length, and my entry is as follows

Roy screamed in way that gave lie to his battle hardened veteran status.

The sea, already choppy from the chopper's downdraft churned into foam and Dr. Finegood flashed into view one final time looking neither fine nor good.

Then the monster was gone, and humanity's hope gone with it.

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