writing challenge task two, dictionary entry, Clamydàtus, noun

The writing challenge glom-on

I came across this writing challenge too late to join, and so I glommed on in the comments stream.

The organiser was kind enough to come and see my entry, and encourage me to join next time.
I have told him that I indeed have that plan, and I do!

But I am going to continue to glomm on here too, even as I get further behind the rest of the group. Unless I get a 'cease and desist' comment, which I hope isn't neccessary.
Anyway, I will just make my posts and those who wish to ignore me can continue to do so.
Also I hope to catch up and work at the rhthym of the rest, but have bitten off so many big, too big to chew, chunks of this parallel universe that we are collectively hallucinating called steemit, at once, that I will almost undoubtedly fail

Here is my day 2 effort. process first

I read the challenge, and as I remember it it is something like
(let me just say, I reread right now, and see that I should have done three words, but as I did do a few variations of the main word, I am going to call it a draw)

  • go to your 'home library' (lol, I can't help myself. That's so fuckin' cute)
  • grab the biggest juiciest dictionary you have
  • choose a word you don't know, and write something or other. This is where my memory is letting me down
  • or invent a word (wtf) and define it, write its definition.

I will link when I connect. (writing this isolated from the internet)

I decided to head to the home library and see what happens.


I discovered a fuckin' mess. Not safe for OCD sufferers


looking for dictionaries...


there's two Spanish-English ones, on each side of MJ


there's another one


but its a Latin to Spanish one, lol




so many learnings left unlearned

now hang on, what's that?


Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary...





that's too much work, there in the second row.

looks like it's the Latin dictionary for me.


I decide to turn to page seventy seven and take the seventh word.


what a dusty mess!!




hmm, page 77



seventh word Chlamydàtus (should be a little line not accent, but have new keyboard and no can do. could look for how, but lets just give a little shall we?)

Chlamydàtus (noun)

  1. the unpleasant interval between clicking the confirm transfer button, after triple checking everything twice over, and seeing the first pending notification in your bitcoin wallet

"The chlamydàtus was almost reaching his feet, when the first confirm came through"

  1. The time between joining the discord chat rooms, and being accepted as one of the gang

"Her chlamydàtus increased steadily through the afternoon, as more and more people came and went, greeting each other as old friends"

  1. also can be used in a general sense for the feeling of lost that accompanies one at all times in steemit.

"my chlamydàtus knows no bounds"


Chlamydàctile (adjective) of, or causing Chlamydàtus.

"I had the most chlamydàctile afternoon, you wouldn't believe it!"

Chlamydàct (verb) to cause others to suffer from Chlamydàtus

The sign said "long-haired freaky people need not chlamydàct"

Chlamydàctely (adverb)

"You're too pretty" he said chlamydàctely.

aww, that''ll do.

I hope I entertained you for a minute or three.

don't forget to show me the love, something we can all believe in!

If you would like to see yesterday's entry, be my guest!

I am almost finished a follow on post to my popular cycling team drawing post but it is still not posted.

thanks for coming by, and as they say where I am, estas en tu casa my home is your home. feel free to drop on in anytime

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