To Serialize or Not to Serialize? [Discussion]

Steemit is an experiment. The website logo changed, but the word "beta" remains. I have been treating it as such. I've posted a wide variety of content types - from short stories and opinion articles, to memes and random photos of cute animals that I come across. Some types had more success than others in attracting followers, commenters, curation teams and upvoters. 

Recently, I found myself wondering about the value each posts holds for me and for readers. Do I benefit from posting pictures of baby bats as much as a benefit from posting a short story I write for that purpose? The answer is obvious.

Speaking to @poet and ranting about my lack of productivity, I felt like this might be the time for me to focus a bit. @poet simply said: "You know you can now write your book, and only write your book, and get paid for it (on steemit), the same you'd get paid for anything else."

My book. "Mistress of Magic." I've been trying to turn those images in my mind into decipherable text for a few years now, aggressively cheered along by @didic , @poet and others. But, alas, life has gotten in the way. That book (or a few chapters of its very first draft) were the highest-paying posts I had on the platform in my first run.

So what now?

I have a few questions to answer. 

  1. Should I serialize the novel on steemit or stick to experimentation till something else sticks? 
  2. Should I do so under my username or perhaps open an account exclusively for it? 
  3. Most importantly, how do I deal with the fact that I was already PAID for previous drafts of some of the chapters (some were deleted from the current draft) if I want to post a (draft of a) novel from start to end on steemit before anywhere else?

Becoming a published novelist is something I've always wanted. With steem and SBD being as high as they are, I can actually afford to seriously focus on it while getting rewarded.

What do you think I should do? Tell me in the comments!


Check out some of my previous posts!

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