A Light That Saved - - My Entry for "Creative Writing Challenge - Task #3"

I'm so excited to try out Creative Writing Challenge! 

Steemit has helped me improve and ignited my passion for writing more. :)

So now, I'm joining yet another Challenge.

Here's the link of the third task. --> Creative Writing Challenge - Task #3


A Light That Saved

Yuu was frustrated with his life. Everything seems so wrong.He wanted to finally give up even his own life.

One night, his pessimistic side was ruling over the optimistic one that he slowly climbed up the rooftop of his apartment building. "I should do this." he told himself. "If I die tonight, no one would even care... I bet, no one would even notice about it."

He looked at the scenery in front of him. It was dark, yet beautiful. The mixture of red, yellow, orange, blue and black... a picturesque view of the horizon he once loved. "I thought life is colorful. I thought it's worth living,"he murmured.

He felt a burning sensation in his eyes. Tears slowly ran down his cheeks. "God, am I ready to end the life that you've lent me? I was sure ready a few moments ago... but why? I'm so scared that I couldn't even hear my own heartbeat," he continued to sob.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a while. The moment he released his supposed to be final breath along with opening his closed eyes, he saw something bright... something so flashy that was truly a sight. 

"Whoah! What on earth is that?" he exclaimed. 

Slowly moving into his direction, the once flashy light is taking its form. Is it a ball of gas? a plane? wait... a person on fire?

He took a step back, afraid of what's coming, but still couldn't take his eyes of it. 

In a quarter of a second, he felt his body collide with something warm. The bright light... it's embracing him, caressing his back like what his late mother did to him. Dumbfounded, he didn't even had the energy to blink.

"Live your life... it might not be as you pleased, but never give up! Life is precious... don't waste it," cold yet warm words entered his ears. 

He felt his chest tightening that he gathered all the energy that was about to leave his body back to his hand and touched his chest. "I'm sorry..." he cried. "I'm sorry!" 

He found himself kneeling on the cold floor of the rooftop, with his clenched hands on his chest and overflowing tears from his eyes."I'm sorry for even thinking of killing myself. I'll never do it again. I'll live my life, even if it's painful. There's always light at the end of the tunnel... much brighter than the light you've shown me tonight. I'm sorry... and thank you."

He embraced himself and slowly stood up. Looked up the sky, the horizon he learned to love again tonight... smiled and thanked the light.



So, there you have it... :)

My story using the picture provided. ^^


Thanks for dropping by!

Love lots, @tegoshei

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