Creative Writing Challenge - Task #6 - What if... The DNA Test


What if your friend told you about one of those DNA tests and you thought, hey, that sounds like a cool idea?

What if you purchased a kit and spit in a vial and sent it away for processing?

What if you second-guessed your decision because you know you don’t look much like your father and you’re afraid Alzheimer's runs in the family?

What if you received your results only to find that your genealogy said “100% unidentified”?

What if you confronted your mother about this and she said that she found you lying in an open field when you were a baby?

What if you went to bed that night and were woken from your fitful sleep by a white light beaming through your window?

What if strange beings drifted through that window and embraced you in their spindly limbs and called you their child and told you that you can now come home with them?

What if, on your interstellar journey home, your real parents administered their own DNA test and you discovered that your genealogy is scattered across fourteen different star systems?

What if you cried tears of joy out of all twelve of your eyes because you finally felt like you belonged?

Original prompt:

Write a 'What if...' story that develops gradually. Try reaching as much stages as you can, but don't be a perfectionist. Anything beyond 10 stages will be considered as unnecessary. The goal here is to help your creativeness expand to new level through a chain of related аssumptions. What's doesn't look as possible at the very appears like quite probable at the end.

Just posting this for fun, since I've really enjoyed reading others' challenge entries! My boyfriend recently did a DNA test, and I checked back on my old results and discovered that my DNA is 0.1% "unassigned", hence spontaneous inspiration! Image from
- Katie, @therovingreader

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