Xervantes' Challenge Author Announcement



In this post I will announce which Steemian gets to take part in my challenge. The task is to post quality content for 1 week, one post a day.



Man ‘o man, did you people make it hard for me to pick someone. I knew we had some talent here on Steemit but boy it was hard to decide which of you talented authors would be the best for the job!

There were 7 contenders who were brave enough to take me up on my challenge:


in no particular order

All these new up-and-comers deserve our support and respect. I will be sure to follow your journey on Steemit and I suggest all my fellow Steemians to check out these authors.




One of the most important things about Steemit is that high quality posts add value to the platform. We are often so caught up in getting high rewards for our posts that we tend to forget this. Those quality posts draw traffic to the platform so it is very important to produce large quantities of good posts. The definition of quality might be different depending on who you talk to but for me it is something well written, informative, educational and entertaining.
When I reviewed the posts I tried to be as objective as possible, as you can see from my profile my own (main) interests are things like crypto and gaming. It would be unfair to judge the posts based on my interests alone, that is why I asked @sherryblossom to help me with the judging.

We were able to bring the list back to 4 of our favorite authors, this was the moment when things really heated up. @sherryblossom and I had long discussions about why we liked a certain author over the other. @sherryblossom presented some good arguments for her favorite authors. However there was one author that we had no arguments about, one author that we found to be the best for the job.

If you didn’t get picked don’t be discouraged, you all displayed some great talent and my take is that all of you have the goods to be successful on Steemit. To be honest I am having a great time doing this so there will be more challenges in the future

So without further ado here are the results:

The Steemian who gets to do the first ever Xervantes’ Challenge is……. (drum roll please!)



Runners up are:

@lunaticpandora in 2nd place

@alinhimself in 3rd place

If @tspink can not complete the challenge for whatever reason, @lunaticpandora will take his place. If @lunaticpandora finds himself unable to complete the challenge then @alinhimself will take his place.



What do I expect from @tspink?
For 7 days (Starting Monday) you will post at least one quality post a day. Use the #xervanteschallenge as one of your 5 tags so I know the post is part of the challenge. No memes or Zappl posts are allowed. As agreed upon your posts will be about health/medications.

Sounds easy doesn’t it?

What do you get from me?

  • I will upvote (100%) and resteem all your posts entered in the challenge. I will also add the posts to my recommended section to give it some extra exposure.

  • @sherryblossom will use her support minnow votes to upvote your posts (as soon as the bots are awake again).

  • Upon completion, next Sunday 11 February 2018 you will be rewarded with 10 SBD!

Also don’t be alarmed if people are popping in on your posts talking about Kryptonian and completing tasks. I will use tasks from Kryptonian to generate some more traffic for your posts.

@tspink, Let me know in the comment section if you are ready to start the challenge! If you have any questions reach out to me on discord or comment on one of my posts. I look forward to reading you posts and hope that you have fun creating!

To all who took the time apply, thank you! Be sure to stay tuned because there will be more challenges in the future.














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