My Bride Finally Put a Bee Suit On! - This may be a one time thing...

She assures me that if she gets stung even one time she is never doing this again! See video below...

My wife and I have been married 21 years coming up in about 10 days. This event here is something I thought I'd never see! She do NOT like bees, wasps, ants or any other crawly bitey bugs!

However, she loves me and is very supportive of my YouTube channel videos. She also knows that when I take the camera back to do a Beekeeping Video it is very difficult to work the camera and the bees at the same time. This time she offered to help! I'm very excited.

Mamakirbs Suited Up!

A Video Snippit of an upcoming Daddykirbs Video!

The full version of this beekeeping adventure is coming soon!

Our marriage has come a long way. If it can endure thousands of buzzing bees... I think we are in this for the long haul!

My 5 Most Recent Posts

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