5 Reasons I'm so stoked for @Zappl to launch! Twitter is so going down... if you haven't heard of #Zappl yet you're missing out.

1. Zappl is going to use your Steem account, but let you use it with a 'separate community' and still earn!

This is the heart and soul of @Zappl, the idea that you can be part of an entirely 'separate' social media website, community & user base, yet you are still earning Steem for everything you do... if Zappl was to try and start thier own chain this concept would be much, much harder to accomplish and thus possibly dead in the water, but by leaning on the  Steem blockchain and Steemit Inc they are poised for a very successful launch and platform.

2. Zappl is going to be much easier to use than Steemit is... 

Steemit is hard, face it, you have to know what website to use, how to write a decent if not GOOD article, and you have to out months into garnering a good following and making friends. This takes time, effort, dedication and a little bit of skills. But with @Zappl it's all about micro blogging aka small 1-2 sentence posts that are more 'active' and conversation based. This setup is easy for anyone to use, whether it's a 10 year old child or a 86 year old grandma, anyone can write 1-2 sentences or even just a few rewards, and to be reward for it from your peers? Now thats mindblowing, especially to this crowd.

3. Zappl will add more users- faster than Steemit.com will..

Continuing on from the previous point, being as Zappl is a inherently 'easier' platform to use, it theoretically should add users much faster than Steemit.com does, just because who doesn't wanna sign up and tweet for steem? There is a reason the simple websites and apps such as Twitter and Instagram have billions of users, they are dead easy to use, and only require moments of your time, to do simple things, many times.

4. Zappl is going to go viral 'overnight', which means MUCH faster than any other crypto project to date, due to the simplicity. Everyone knows how to use Twitter already...

Once the users start to flood in, the servers will buckle and there will most likely be some sort of back log at first, but once this is dealt with and the new user sign ups can be approved within 24 hours or so, the flood will continue which is going to get us a very large amount of attention from not only the crypto space but from outside of it as well. Expect thousands of followers for the top posters over the first few months of launch... and most of them are going to be using it as much as they can, remember the first 3 months of Steem launch? lol it's going to be like that again...

5. Zappl is powered by Steemit.. the symbiosis is perfect. Zappl will help all Steem & crypto users become better blockchain workers and community members!

This one is kinda of just an opinion, but I see alot of value in being able to write a post on Steemit.com, then 'Zap' it on Zappl after, which not only will reward me separately but will also give me a better method of reaching out to my followers, instead of hoping they see my post within the first 6 hours on Steemit.com before it gets lost in the massive load of content. Not to mention Zappl will help me grow my Steemit.com followers as well, whats not to love?

More @Decentralizd Posts from this week:

The top 5 things YOU can do to help Steem grow, get better and evolve. Easy steps to getting involved in Steemit marketing 101.



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