A Steem-powered Twitter competitor is coming soon... & if you haven't got some ZAPPL from Openledger, you're doing this wrong. Invest in a piece of social media history.

1. What is Zappl? Why not just use Steemit.com or Busy.org?

Zappl.io is going to be a brand new take on a Steem powered social media website, instead of a Reddit like experience the developers are going to take advantage of the Steem blockchain to create Twitter-like experience, that will hopefully be the next big thing since the inception of Steemit.com. The content on Zappl will show on Steemit.com, but Steemit.com content will not show on Zappl, from what I understand, meaning Zappl will be an ecosystem entirely of its own making. Which will hopefully be complimentary to both Busy.org and Steemit.com because it will provide yet another avenue to onboard users onto the Steem blockchain.

Imagine how many people we can sign up without them having to be writers, bloggers, vloggers or anything special at all, normal folks are going to flock in like crazy! It's going to be like the launch of Steemit, but with even more blockchain noobs, new investors & social media gurus. I don't think we can even properly estimate how fast this could blow up if launched properly... and after talking to the team I feel confident they will deliver a solid product that is not only fun to use but worthwhile and user focused from day 1.

2. Is it based on Steemit or are 'Zappl's' a new currency?

Zappl's are technically a new currency but there were only a certain amount issued on Bitshares as a way to get start up funding, 1 SBD is equal to 1 Zappl and there will be a buy back in the future to reimburse all early investors. As I write this post Zappl.io says they are roughly 80% funded and there is only roughly 8,500 Zappl available to purchase on OpenLedger.io, so if you are looking to help fund the project and get some neat perks at launch and access to investor information along the development timeline, be sure to hop onto OL and get that done quickly. You will need to have 1 SBD for every Zappl you wish to purchase. 

3. Why is this a big deal, why should I care?

Twitter didn't get lucky, they make millions of dollars because they built a product people would like to use, lets face it, people have short attention spans and forcing them to write large essays in order to get any sort of reward even just pennies is sort of like expecting people to work for pennies an hour, it just won't happen. So the entire selling point for Steemit just wen't out the window for these type of folks. But if you give them 256 characters, image processing, and some cool emojis, I bet you every single one of those people who didn't use the site before comes back in full force ready to use your brand new service, 24/7... mark my words. Tweeting is so easy even Donald Trump can do it, but when's the last time you saw Trump write an essay, make some custom images, upload to the internet, then go around marketing his post for 3 days? I thought so. Twitter's just has a better concept I fully believe Zappl has a chance to make the Steem blockchain really shine with this format they are chasing.

4. When does it launch? How do I sign up?

Everyone who has a Steemit.com account will automatically have a Zappl account, due to the fact they will both use the Zappl blockchain which is going to be good for not only Zappl but for Steemit as well obviously. So just watch zappl.io or follow @Zappl for more information as it is being developed.

5. How do I get Zappl's right now? Why should I buy early?

There are current roughly 8,500 Zappl left to purchase on OpenLedgar and they only way to purchase is with SBD. 1 SBD = 1 ZAPPL and you will get rewards listed below depending on how much you purchase:


6. Where Can I learn More about Zappl?





I personally decided to go with buying 250ish Zappl, and I look forward to watching this ground breaking idea come to life. I already use the crap out of Twitter so this will be wonderful for me! Feel free to follow me on Twitter until Zappl launches, oh wait just follow me on Steemit, should be the same follower list I would assume...

Closing Points

Either way, if you read my last post "How I turned $500 into $25,000, and will most likely turn that into millions and you can too. [aka Crypto101]" you will know these are the investments that, if you believe in, you would be smart to invest in. Besides, they are going to buy the Zappl tokens back at a later day at higher prices anyways, AND give you cool perks for investing early. Win win.

Twitter has millions of average, everyday users, there is very little skill involved and that is the golden mixture for onboarding people to the wonderful world of Steemit, this project is going to be HUGE. Looking forward to seeing everyone supporting both Steemit & Zappl!

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