Announcing 7-Day Build Your Steemit Profits Weekly Accountability Challenge

Hey Steem Fam,


The idea of this 7-Day Build Your Steemit Profits Weekly Challenge is to support each other to:

  • pubish two new posts per day
  • make a bare minimum ten, preferably minimum fifteen comments every day


The ONGOING WEEKLY CHALLENGE GOAL is that EVERY weekly Challenge participant will have:



The bigger vision for this is to help every Steemian around the world who's willing to do the work, to build their Steemian income, READ THAT STEEM PROFITS, to the equivalent of:

  • US$1,000/month MINIMUM PART TIME


  • US$3,000/month MINIMUM FULL TIME

Those are minimum figures. You get to choose and scale your Steem business to the level that suits you through your own smart strategic thinking and active, consistent implementation.


I've provided business profit accountability coaching in all my offline jobs and consultancies and online Heaven on Earth Life and Business coaching.

I continue to do so as part of my vision to assist as many people around the world as I can to create their own version of their unique heaven on Earth lives.

Manifesting financial stability then freedom is a big part of this.

My hope is that through this Challenge we can work together here on Steemit to help countless more people achieve their chosen level of financial stability and freedom as a foundation to building happier, more meaningful and fun lives.


I'm practically brand new on Steemit. This is my 19th day.

There are a TON of things I don't know about how to do things correctly on Steemit.

I'm winging it. So if you see me not dealing with something important, PLEASE let me know.

You can either use the comments below this main Challenge Introduction post or the latest weekly Challenge post when things get going this Sunday.

OR you can leave me a message in Discord chat using the same @angelacs username. The former is probably better right now.

Let's now flesh out the idea and structure of how this Challenge will work.


  1. Accountability works

  2. Accountability in a group makes accountabiity work better

  3. Topics of interest don't matter

  4. Your commitment and taking your Steemit business seriously is what matters

  5. Set your short, medium and long term Steemit income goals to undergird your daily activity

  6. Develop minimum two types of series posts that you can publish regularly, three to four if you choose.

  7. Publishing in series makes it easier for you because it adds structure and maximizes consistency

  8. Be creative. This si your chance to express yourself via text, audio or video.. choose your combination of preferred formats

  9. Intend to have fun. You won't stick to this and WIN every day if it's laborious, boring or unexciting

  10. Know that you deserve even more success and happiness than you currently now enjoy. Money doesn't buy happiness but it sure is as essential as air and it does facilitate being able to make choices that up your happiness levels in all areas of your life

  11. We'll be using Steemit as our platform to build our Steemit income. But succeed daily with writing two posts and making fifteen comments minimum and you will learn, master and be able to apply the principles of building new income streams of profit any time you want, with any business idea you choose, especially over the internet.

  12. Moveover, you'll be able to apply these accountability principles to any area of your life that you want and choose to experience increased blessings in.
    You are the creator of your life. You get to choose the level of success, happiness and meaning that you experience.
    If you see an area of your life that you are serious about improving, you'll be able to practice these same daily, step-by-step success-manifesting types of actions to accomplish whatever goals you set yourself.

  13. Change is stressful. The level of stress you feel and experience will be directly related to how big you decide to transform your Steemit business and your life. But that's why having a group that supports and encourages you is so powerful.
    This accountability group will be your family. And like all good family members, we'll be there for each other when we're doing out stuff right and when we slip, fall down and need an encouraging word, upvote, comment or kick in the a**. We're family after all. ;)

  14. I like starting my week on Sundays. So this ongoing 7-Day Build Your Steemit Profits Weekly Challenge will start this coming Sunday, March 4, 2018 at 12:00 noon, EST.
    It will end Sunday, March 11, 2018 at 11:59am at which point the second week's Challenge will begin again one minute later, at 12:00 noon, EST, the same day, Sunday, March 11, 2018.

  15. My intention at first was to make this a 5-Day Challenge, running Monday to Friday. But as I paused to word the title for this post, I got to make it seven days. Do you agree? Let me know in your comment below.

  16. In terms of how this will run along every week. I will post the week's challenge announcement a bit before 12:00 noon, EST each Sunday.
    My aim is to post it at 12:00 midnight actually so that peeps from earlier time zones can start at their 12:00 noon. But that's just between me and you and stays in this room, ok?

  17. If you are taking part in the Challenge for that, week... you know the drill. Comment to hold your space, upvote and resteem. All those three are important but the comment is key as I'll explain in a bit.

  18. I suggest you work ahead of time to at least list out the types of posts you'll be publishing each day of the week.
    So for instance, some of mine will be my Quotation posts where I share a fav quote and my insights on that quote. So for example, I'll probably pick the seven quotes I'll be sharing each day for the week ahead of time and try to create the matching graphics for each one.
    So have your post topic ideas straight so you can get to creating your two daily posts quicker without having to stop and figure out what you'll be posting on.

  19. Once you publish your two Steemit posts for each day, you will return to your 'spot' in the comments section of that week's Challenge post where you said you were going to participate. And you will hit 'Reply' to your own comment, Type in 'Day 1 Posts:', hit 'Enter' so it becomes a comment to your original comment.
    Then hit 'Reply' to that Day 1 comment and put in the link for your first post and click 'Enter'. For your second post, make a second comment under your Day 1 comment and enter your second post link.

  20. Now the cool thing is that to meet your minimum 15 comment daily goal (AND easily surpass it if you want), all you have to do is CLICK on ONE link for fifteen other Challenge participants.

  21. Before you post your first link for the day, LOOK for and FIND at least two other particpants' links. Read/listen/watch their post, then UPVOTE and COMMENT.
    AFTER that's done, RETURN to their links in the main Challenge post and enter a comment UNDER the post you just Upvoted and Commented on and TELL that participant that you visited and did that. TYPE IN:
    "Upvoted and commented". When picking the posts to visit, pay attention to the ones that do not yet have any such "Upvoted and commented" comments under them and go to those posts. As pointed out earlier in the MAIN POINTS section at the top of this post, the GOAL is that EVERY Challenge participant will have FIFTEEN UPVOTES and COMMENTS on EACH of their TWO DAILY POSTS.

  22. At the end of your day, go through the 'Upvoted and Commented' comments you made on the different Challenge links that were posted for that day. Count them up.
    Then go to the Comments tab on your Steemit profile and count up the other Comments you made for that day on Steemains posts that were not a part of the Challenge.
    ADD both numbers and then RETURN to YOUR DAY 1 (or whatever Day it is), HIT 'Reply' to your Day comment for that day and TYPE IN the TOTAL NUMBER of COMMENTS you made for that day.

  23. Before posting your SECOND post link for the day, do the same thing you did for your FIRST post as set out in #22 above.

  24. You would then have DONE your Daily Posts and entered their relevant links under your Day Comment for that day AND you would have totalled up your Day's comments and entered that under your Day's Comment too.
    Day's Actions DONE!
    Day's Accountability Report submitted honestly and proudly as a testament to your day's achievements!
    Yayyyy!!! ;)


So there are probably a few more ideas to thrash out.

For instance, one of the things that kept me from starting to post consistently in my first twoo weeks here at Steemit was sifting through my post series ideas and deciding which ones to run with first.

That may likely be the thing that you'll want to tackle first if you have not been posting regularly, twice daily, in Steemit yet.

If that's you, start there.

Tackle this from both the topic and the format angles.

Pick a couple topics that you're:

  • excited about
  • very interested in and/or
  • can do with as little stress and strain as you can

These can be:

  • Hobbies (don't leave out your childhood, teenage and younger adult hobbies if you're older than a teenager now)

  • Area/a of work (again, don't leave out types of work you did in the past)

  • Inspirational type material eg:

    • Quotes
    • Memes
    • Prayers
    • Meditations
  • Collation of other people's content meaning taking an excerpt or two or three and expanding on them with your own comments, insights and ideas of how and why you differ in opinion

  • Whatever else you can think of that floats your boat that you'll find interesting and exciting and want to keep doing

In terms of format, choose at least two if at all possible. Not only because it's great to mix it up for greater audience appeal and to keep things interesting for your fans but also because that will be more interesting for you.

It's going to take discipline, focus and passionate interest to crank out two posts a day, every day, for as long as you choose to build your Steemit income.

No doubt, you will grow, expand, stretch way beyond what you even begin to now think is possible. Just participating and sticking to doing the deal each and every single day may be a big stretch if you have not already been doing this.

So ensure, as I said earlier, that you build in a big 'fun factor'. Make sure that you will enjoy creating and sharing your posts with your growing audience. If you are not having fun and loving what you do, your audience will know and they won't have fun, nor enjoy what you're offering and they will go where they'll feel good and enjoy themselves more.

So choose topics that light you up and choose formats for your topics that you also love and enjoy creating.

For me, that's audio posts, be that quickie meditations or gabbing about some consciousness/spirituality topic that I can transform in to videos when and if I want. And inspirational pictures and quotes that touch, move and inspire me in my heart.


It's now HOURS after I started writing this post. ;) I welcomed my sister on Steemit, resteemed some important posts, took a cat feeding break because my cats all wanted some of my chicken dinner. ;)

I KNOW that I have left out a few things. As I remember them I will add.

And PLEASE, do make suggestions that you feel will strengthen this Challenge and help participants to succeed.

We'll have between now and next Saturday to finetune ideas and get things straight.

Talk soon and I look forward to our very first 7-Day Build Your Steemit Profits Weekly Challenge this coming Sunday, March 4th!

HEY!!! This is the FIRST day of March, 2018!!!

HAPPYYYYY First Day in March... 2018!!! A Thursday. So the very FIRST THURSDAY in March, 2018.

Amazinggggg how time is a flyinggggg!!! ;)


Angela xox

Before you forget...

Be sure to get front row seat access to all my new posts, be that:

  • Inspirational morning centering via breathing meditations or galactic toning sound healing
  • Quotes with my personal insights
  • End of Day Accountability Confessions
  • Or any thing critical or just juicy here on Steemit. I resteem as many of the current cutting edge announcements that I find in addition to posts that float my quirky boat

The easiest way stay on top of all my new shares here on Steemit to set-up your own personal artificial intelligence GINABot tool to send you notifications of my new posts as they hit Steemit's news stand.

Here's how to add me:

And if you're not yet using the free GINAbot tool, here's how to get her on your team, tirelessly working for you 24/7/365.

Check out some of my recent posts:

Pounded Steemit Doors With Open Sesame Mantra Until Y'all Let Me In!!!

End of Day Accountability Journal - Reflections On How My Day Went - Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Happiness Quotation - Dalai Lama

3 columns
2 columns
1 column