7-Day Steemit Business Building Accountability Challenge - Week 1, Day 1, Post 1 - Light Patters Forward

Hello, my Steemian Fam,

Last week Thursday, the first day of March, 2018, I was looking outside through my bedroom window to my left.

I had already said 'Hello' again for the afternoon to the palm tree that has been one of my favorite trees on my family's property for over four decades, perhaps five.

I must remember to ask my mother.

The sky was barely soft blue.

Despite just freshly rising, the sun was already sharp, hot but powerless from the cool of my room.

I wanted to publish a blog post on the new iteration of my "Angela's Voice" blog hosted on Steemit.

But nothing I'd worked on appealed. Nothing yelled 'my turn'.

So I'd escaped to the slice of nature always to my left as I use my computer.

And the words I share now came through.

Afterwards, I entered '6:25am'ish' right above them. I'd forgotten to look at the clock as I started typing.

Despite being the answer to my silent prayer for something to post, I did not publish these words.

I deemed them too simple.

Too short.

Too nothing.

Not good enough to share publicly.

Birthed for instant publishing, I denied them.

After a few too long (to me) posts since then, their simplicity and brevity now feel much more attractive.

I was about to post some other words that came through just last night.

Headed it up in this same editor, title and all.

But those words did not sit well.

Because I was about to betray, again, these first words.

To make up with these words, I offer them now.

I now submit these words as my first entry to my own child on its Day 1 2nd Day on this Earth, in this Steemian world.

The 7-Day Steemit Business Building Accountability Challenge.

Perhaps now these words will forgive me for betraying them last Thursday morning.

Perhaps I and my Challenge participants whom I let down badly yesterday will forgive me for posting my own first Challenge entry now, two days late.


Light patters forward,
Seeking the shadow,

Why does it dance and move so?
Morph from black to

Light flashes sideways,
Chasing the puzzle,


I have NO clue why the below section is centering. I can't find (yet) any centering code above that was not closed.

If my inner perfectionist figures out how to fix it, we will. ;)

I believe I have enough bandwidth to post this now.

If I have enough afterwards, I'll also publish the second set of Visiting Words that came through last night during my exhaustion after yesterday's fias learning experience.

Those words will be my second Day 1 entry for yesterday.

And I'll continue until I'm all caught up. With both upvoting/quality commenting Challenge participant posts and my own post publishing.

For now, this is Angela over and out, wishing you many Angel Blessings.

Copyright @ Angela Chen Shui. Worldwide rights reserved.

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  • End of Day Accountability Confessions
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Check out some of my recent posts - your comments, upvotes and resteems are welcome!:

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