My Actifit Report Card: July 24 2018 - This won't stop me!! **late night motivation rant**


Posted with @actifit, an App which gives you rewards for being active!!

It's past 1am and I've just finished my late night sprints. Endorphins are rushing through my body and I'm motivated as a stupid meathead after his prewourkout pump. You don't have to read this....


  • 10 hours at work
  • another 4 hours working on thesis
  • headache
  • ....and the most painful wart on my foot

I'm trying to kill it with apple cider vinegar as it seems to be the best remedy. It's absoutely huge, probably has been there for years since my childhood. It just wasn't visible under the top skin layer. It's turning black and my whole heel burns as fuck just on a slight touch..

Yet I've still went out and done my 10x150 meters sprints! Every landing on my left foot was a pure terror. It was like 10 burning needles continuously going in and out. But fuck the wart and fuck the pain. I absolutely refuse to give up. You allow urself to do it once and you continue doing it.

Since I've started BJJ in mid 2016, I constantly had some shit stopping me from doing it - broken wrist from bike fall (3 moths), knee (5 months), overextended elbow (3 weeks), shitty fall from slackline on ankle (3 weeks) this...but I know I'll win a tourney and get my blue in 2019! Calisthenics, handstands, slackline and running till then...and maybe boxing?

Thanks for reading!


Postnute cez @actifit, appka ktora Vas odmenuje za aktivitu.

Je strvt na dve vnoci a prave som dobehol moje nocne sprinty. Som plny endorfinova premotivovany ako hlupy bezkrcnik po jeho trojitej davke superblast neurocore predtreningovky. Fakt to nemusite to citat...


  • 10 hod v robote
  • dalsie 4 hours nad diplomkou
  • bolest hlavy
  • total hlad
  • ....najviac rozzureny wart na pate

Snazim sa ho zabit jablkovym octom, kedze vraj na to fkat najlepsie funguje. Je total velky a asi som ho mal pod kozou dobrych par rokov, mozno este od detstva, bo presne tam som mal "kurie oko". Uz zacina cerniet, no cela koza naokolo je od octu spalena, rozmokvana a boli na dotyk..

Napriek tomu som odbehol svojich 10 x 150 metrovych sprintov. Kazdy dopad na lavu patu bol teror. Jakoby mi do paty opakovane vchadzalo a vychadzalo 10 hocurich ihiel.No absolutne sa odmietam vzdat. Ked to dovolite mozgu spravit raz, spravi to aj nabuduce.

Odkedy som zacal s BJJ v 2016, vkuseee kvoli niecomu nemozem trenovat - pad na bajky a zlomene zapastie (3 moths), koleno (5 months), zraneny laket pri treningu (3 weeks), pad zo slacklinu na clenok (3 weeks)..teraz toto...Aj tak viem ze v 2019 vyhram turnaj a dostanem modry opasok! Dovtedy kalistenika, stojky, slackline and beh ...a mozno box?

Dik za precitanie!

@matkodurko tracked today a total of 4174 moves/activity via Actifit Fitness Tracker.
This involved performing activity related to Jogging
Download Actifit Fitness Tracker mobile app from google playstore

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. [DLive timelapse #2] My hometown waking up ** SUNRISE **
  2. 7-Day Music Challenge: Your Top Albums - #3 Aashiqui ** this one cracked my shell **
  3. 7-Day Music Challenge: Your Top Albums - #2 Eminem Show
  4. [DLive VLOG #1] New haircut!! + shopping & workout in the park
  5. I've spent night in library !! ** scary **


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