I've overnighted in library !! ** scary ** / Prespal som v kniznici!! ** strasidelne **


Heyy! I'm about to commit a Steemit suicide now :D Gonna write a post without pictures :D But before I start, lemme say sorry for the


Haha srry I had to :) The title is technically true..but yeah, still a clickbait :D Feel free to flag me, like a little weasel @felipejoys keeps doing for no reason ;) R u there pu**y? Gimme one more be so kind :) But let's not give him any more exposure and dive into the story! Also, thanks to @jjprac, if he hadn't mention library in his post, I'd completely forget about this story and my post would be completely different

Kids library in my hometown

I've spent sooo much time as a kid in this building :) Just loved it all...the excitement on my way there, wondering what kind of new cool books will I get this time. The smell on the stairs..and then once I opened the door and came to receptionist to show her my reader's ID, the smell got stronger. There were two sections - one with books to take home and then one with more expensive/new books you could read just there. I've spent countless hours in the second one.


Cavte..no idem asi akurat spravit Steemit samovrazdu a napisat post bez obrazkov. Predtym nez ale zacnem, chcem sa ospravedlnit za


Haha sorry musel som :) Vpodstate je ten nadpis ale pravda...ale hej, je to clickbait. Mozte mi dat flag ako ten maly had @felipejoys, ktory mi ich dal uz 11 bez dovodu :D Dufam, ze to cita a prihodi este jeden do zbierky. Nevadi, nedavajme mu viac pozornosti nez si zasluzi a pome na pribeh! Btw diks @jjprac, ze si spomenul vo svojom poste kniznicu, vdaka tomu som si spomenul na tento pribeh :)

Detska kniznica v Trencine

Jooj kolko casiu som tam ja stravil ako decko :) Zboznoval som csetko okolo toho...to ocakavanie, ked som tam kracal s plnym batohom knih z minula, ze co najdem tentokrat. Vonu knih na schodoch, ktora sa este zosilnila, ked som prisiel k recepcii a pysne ukazal moj citatelsky preukaz. Kniznica ma 2 sekcie - jednu na vyber knih na pozicanie a druhu, kde su len drahsie a nove knihy, ktore si clovek moze citat len tam. Proste citaren :D Tam som sa tiez riadne nasedel :)

Pic taken from the official page of our library

Andersen night

Trencin library hosts every year an event for kids to overnight in library. There's a cool programm ready for them. Discussions with favorite Slovak authors, games, reading of scary stories but also a free time to just read or play with fellaz :) I was part of this when I was like 10-11. It was such a cool night. Maybe except for reading those scary stories haha, I couldn't sleep at all :D

Andersenova noc v kniznici

Trencianska detska kniznica kazdorocne organizuje podujatie, kedy deti prespavaju v kniznici. Su pre nich prichystane besedy, prednasky, nocna hra, citanie strasidelnych pribehov ale aj volny cas. Ucastnil som sa asi ako stvrtak/piatak. A bolo to fakt mega, mam na to len dobre spomienky. Az na to citanie strasidelnych pribehov, hrozne som sa potom bal :D

We planted a tree!

Best part of the whole night was, when we want to the garden, they divided us intogroups by 3 and each group got their own tiny tree to plant. I was sooo pumped about it ! It wasn't anything special, we just put it to the ground. But I loved it. The garden is behind big concete walls so public can't see what's going on inside. That's why I'm not sure if my tree is still alive :/ But yeah, every time I pass that wall, I think if my tree is doing good. I hope once I'll manage to see it, once it gets bigger than the wall :)

Thanks for reading!

Zasadili sme strom!

Najlepsia cas celej noci bola, ked nas zobrali do zahrady, rozdelili do skupin po troch a kazda skupina dostala malicky stromcek a mali sme ho zasadit. To bolo fakt brutal :) Zahrada je za vysokymi murmi a preto tam zvonku clovek nevidi. To je dovod, preco vobec neviem, ci nas stromcek prezil a ako sa mu dari. Kazdopadne vzdy ked idem okolo, tak nad nim rozmyslam. Hrozne dufam, ze zije a raz bude taky velky, ze ho zpoza toho muru uvidim. To by bolo fakt brutalne :)

Dik za precitanie!

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. [DLive timelapse #2] My hometown waking up ** SUNRISE **
  2. 7-Day Music Challenge: Your Top Albums - #3 Aashiqui ** this one cracked my shell **
  3. 7-Day Music Challenge: Your Top Albums - #2 Eminem Show
  4. [DLive VLOG #1] New haircut!! + shopping & workout in the park
  5. Official travel guide won't show you this!! ** Secret, sacred & dangerous place in my hometown **


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