Is Slideshow Facebook's weapon to monetize mobile?

For Facebook, Google, Amazon & Snap, the Holy Grail containing the elixir to monetizing the internet is ownership of the mobile internet.

In Mark Zuckerberg's quest to rule the internet, any freshly minted unicorn, app or internet product is fair game for Facebook to consume, subsume or obliterate.

 Facebook  ... products  ...  
 target  smartphones ...
 more users are tethered 
 to their devices.

 Of Facebook's 
 1.65 billion monthly users, 
 92% are active on mobile.

While the developing world, especially Brazil, India & Nigeria, are have less mature mobile markets, slow mobile internet speeds are the norm in the developing world.

  • Like Google, Facebook is an ad service engine that needs its ads to render well on mobile inspite of patchy mobile internet connections in countries like South Africa.
  • Video ads are the most lucrative for Facebook monetization. Facebook claims video ads to be the most cost-effective for advertisers, as well.
  • To accelerate the adoption of video ads, Facebook created Slideshow as a tool to make it easy to generate video ads. Slideshow can turn photographs into dynamic videos.

Facebook has now begun rolling out Slideshow for personal Facebook posts, as well.

YouTube & Google Photos can also generate dynamic photos & videos from still images. While on the imaging side, Facebook has acquired Instagram are these in Facebook Slideshow's crosshairs?

  • LinkedIn Slideshare?
  • Google Photos?
  • YouTube?
  • Snapchat?

What do you think?

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