A Bridge Too Far

Jesus is throwing people out of heaven!

Dutch girl looking up at the sky, on the afternoon of Sunday 17 September 1944.

Arnhem was the main target of Operation Market Garden … a good place from where the Ruhr could be assaulted …. attacking the Ruhr out of Arnhem would bypass the Siegfried line …. near the border in southwest Germany. From Arnhem the Allies could continue the liberation of the Netherlands ….

When Montgomery revealed his plan … Browning asked how long it would take for the tanks to reach Arnhem.
"Two days" answered Montgomery.
"We can hold it for four days" replied Browning, … "although I think we could go a bridge too far."
Remember September ‘44

A Bridge Too Far.
The story of Montgomery’s 90% success: Operation Market Garden, September 1944. The Allies fail to capture all the strategically important Dutch bridges, as planned, ending the hope of breaking through German lines & Montgomery’s braggadocio of ending the war by Christmas. Director: Richard Attenborough.Based on Cornelius Ryan’s book. Screenplay: William Goldman.

Arnhem was never reached despite all the men who gave their lives to hold the bridge or the 'perimeter', referred to by the Germans as Der Hexenkessel (the witches' cauldron).

Montgomery … said: "In my -prejudiced- view, if the operation had been properly backed from its inception … given the aircraft, ground forces … administrative resources necessary for the job, it would have succeeded in spite of my mistakes, or the adverse weather, or the presence of the 2nd SS Panzer Corps in the Arnhem area. I remain Market Garden's unrepentant advocate."
Remember September ‘44

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