The AI Paradox: Ready To Die To Attain Immortality And The Only Move Possible To Save Humanity

 Many will find this mind boggling but now it makes sense... using the  laws of creation to attempt to hijack the Divine aspect of life. All  Knowledge for or against It. That is all what it boils down to.   Scifi is more than ever becoming reality...  it is easy to see why we'll  be left behind. Much of this technology, I am sure has also positive  uses, but masses will never know because fear must prey on their  lives.... and why should they ever be told anything, a war is in the  making anyway. 

 Knowledge will never cause any evil when shared evenly. This AI  technology could help those who wish to leave earth (a trip with  no-return) but since people are misguided and disinformed,  ((they/cyborgs)) are  going to stay in our reality and destroy everything, because both  paradigms are INcompatible 

ONLY SOLUTION TO SAVE MANKIND.... cyborgs must leave planet earth, the space secret programs (which are so much more advanced than we think) will soon be able to accommodate their departur, and it is reasonable to think they already can.  Cyborgs **must** go on  a trip with no return. We should have a big island like Australia, here on earth, where people determined to become cyborgs, could prepare and augment themselves as much as needed. So we'd have the 2 paradigms as a non interactive combination, leaving one another completely independent. If we cannot prevent people from becoming cyborgs, the time has come for  latter to comprehend that our 3D reality is literally **completely alien** to them. 

The ET/AI/cyborgs paradigm is which that navigates the cosmos like wanderers looking forward to spreading freedom or enslavement . The ones who occupy our reality have shown their true color and they will destroy humanity if we do not reclaim the mind, begin to think for ourselves

Elon Musk double-talks here as he won't do a thing  to stop the rise of robot-killers,  Musk and co are  sociopaths. But further, how likely are you ready to die to attain immortality? 

 Elon Musk Nightmare Looms: Army Seeks "Internet-Of-Battlefield Things" With "Self-Aware" Bot Swarms   After warning that "AI is a fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization," the appearance of fully-automated 'robot-killers' brought Elon Musk's apocalyptic vision even close


 AI For The Betterment Of Mankind.... Or Perpetual Warfare?

Technological Immortality, Think Again? What Musk And Kurzweil Don't Say And Why Does It Matter

Binary & Trinary Systems in the Matrix, Reality Is Now Stranger Than Science-Fiction

 Thank you for resteeming and upvoting these ideas, more people     have to know that there is a bold solution to embrace the end of  darwinism/competition that will be upon us in 10 years from  now.   The   Earth Custodians Movement is a futuristic endeavor for  humans who want to remain humans and to spread the importance of  understanding  Objective  Reality for the sake of  peaceful sciences.    

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