The Story Behind 1001 Places to Remember - An Archisteem Project


My partners ( @cklai and @funtraveller) and I had started #archisteem tag for 2 months now. What we observed after the kick-start of the tag are:

  1. There were people who used the tag with great content
  2. There were people who misused the tag and we tried to warn them (luckily they did not repeat again)
  3. There were little users who contributed repeatedly

With such a low activity under the tag, the team had a brainstorm to think of ways to keep the tag alive. Our first step is to make sure we have a consistent contribution to the post under #archisteem. @cklai and I are focusing on creating content about architectural projects around the world as well as personal ideas and thoughts on issues in different places. On the other hand, @funtraveller is working on his field of expertise which is photography. He had launched his photography contest tag @photocircle which I found interesting and could be a valuable learning reference for Archisteem’s future contest. As of now, what we think that Archisteem lacks is the goal and fun.


For additional information, here are the previous compilation 1 2.

Finally, we decided to kick-start a project that intended to move the game to another level. This project is named as 1001 Places to Remember. Why 1001? Well, that was inspired by the travel guidebook named 1000 Places to See Before You Die. While the number 1001 was from the story of my childhood time, Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves from the 1001 Nights. It is a combination of these two masterpieces to make it a unique product for Archisteem.



In this project, we intend to collect 1001 different stories that consist of memories of the person, a place and an event that happened. The author can freely express how he or she feels about a place that could be linked to a story that they experienced. Such memories are invaluable as it gives the sense of belonging and familiarity to the people for the place. I believe that if the authors are willing to share such memories, the place will get even more interesting and meaningful as more people could perceive the place with an extra perspective.



What we have now is photographs with images of buildings and people, but we do not have stories that backed the photography, especially stories that are personal and unique! In travel guides, we always read the typical place of interest description that is boring and typical. There is no serendipity in such setting. To insert the element of surprise, this could be a new way to do a traveling guide, a local way to explore a place by learning about their story of lives. Personally, I think this is much more interesting than going to the typical, known landmark and place of interest, taking photos and have no idea what’s the story behind all the buildings.

After discussing with the team, we decided to make the project more interesting by adding some reward to it. We will be doing this contest weekly and reward the best contributors some SBD rewards and perks. This is to encourage more people to join the fun and gain something as well at the same time. Of course, the project will be a continuous one until we collect 1001 stories.

Here are the amazing prizes:

  • 1st prize: 5 SBD (+ the received SBD from this post’s reward)
  • 2nd prize: 3 SBD
  • 3rd prize: 1 SBD
  • 4 consolation: 0.25 SBD

Reminder of The Rules:

  1. Use one or not more than 3 images to write a story.
  2. Images and text should be genuinely produced by the author.
  3. The story should be 300 words or more.
  4. Use the tag #archisteem and #placestoremember

Yesterday night, I promoted this project on #tehtariksundays hosted by @zord189 and @branlee87.
Here are some of the takeaways from the pitching and Q&A:

  1. I need to do a proper #steemitnamechallenge as my ID is kinda unique and hard to pronounce without understanding what it meant (by @elizacheng)
  2. Possibility to corporate with @steemitworldmap (by @awesomianist). I would definitely look into this as all the stories will be linked with places.
  3. Both experience and place are equally important in this project (to answer @kchitrah questions) and with that being said, person, time, place, and experience are the 4 key elements that will make this memory a complete story (thanks @kchitrah for the backup).
  4. Of course, can design a Menara for the Team Malaysia, can be a contest some more! (to answer @aaronleang)
  5. The inspiration behind was answered above, which is to add a personal touch to the pictures that we usually see with only facts and not stories. National Geographic photos are breathtaking but once they added with stories, it became impactful (to answer @tifaong question).
  6. Anyone who is keen to share their stories, like childhood story, love story and any kind of story can get involved in this project (to answer @bitrocker2020 question).
  7. The picture tells more than 1000 words (by @tifaong), that is true but what if we can add in our own story that can spice up the picture and make it more personal. You know la, people are attracted to gossip stuff, so adding these stories to places we may be familiar with will add other perspectives for us too!
  8. If you don’t have a good pic of the place, you still can source some good pic of the place to be used for your post. However, it is best to have at least one pic by yourself in order for us to make that into the publication as we do not want to have copyright issues later. (good question by @kchitrah again)

Hope the above replies have answered all the doubts during the sharing session. Thanks again for the support by the awesome #teammalaysia.


In the meantime, I would like to seek @jaynie of @steemitbloggers and @hansikhouse & @voronoi from @sndbox to see whether this project could be featured or supported. Deeply appreciate if there is a chance to collaborate together and make this project a successful one :)

To know more about the project + contest, please read here.


This is an #archisteem post.

A new tag that is to curate our existing built environment and also future built environment development. Want to know more? Read here.

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