The Old has Gone, the New has Come! – Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #18 by @allforthegood


Happy New Year all you Steemians!

There’s nothing better than fresh starts. I love it. A new day, a new year. A fresh notebook. New plans and seeds for a garden. And on and on. It just feels hopeful.

And so, today’s inspirational art seemed appropriate:

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come!
-2 Corinthians 5:17

Praise God that he didn’t simply give us a face lift or a fresh coat of paint on our sin-stained souls. He did something completely fresh and new within us. We are a brand new creation. We don’t need to carry the overwhelming burden of our past sins, feelings and choices, and letting that control our future. Instead, we can put on the new self, which has new desires and feelings.

And so, this year, let us choose to walk in what he has done within us. We have the power to be dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. How encouraging! Let's continue on our journey, walking closer with him day by day.

How I Came Up With the Design

I originally made this design as a gift for a young girl’s bedroom. The colors and pattern match her bedroom quilt, and hopefully made a lovely coordinating addition to the room. The theme of butterflies seemed a natural extension of the “new creation theme.” It was just a matter of placing them in a balanced manner to finish off the design.

Recent Inspirational Art in my Series

How Majestic – Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #13
When I Consider Your Heavens – Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #14
For to us a child is born– Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #15
This is my Commandment -Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #16
Children are a Heritage from the Lord – Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #17


Do you like posting encouraging quotes and verses in your home? If you have a favorite quote or verse, I’d be happy to design it for you. Just post it in the replies below. To see more of my inspirational art, click here.

I hope this art provides some encouragement for you today. @allforthegood


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