How Majestic – Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #13 by @allforthegood


Doesn't it seem the breathtaking beauty of the world around us draws us to the Lord?

I love that whenever I step outside in the crisp outdoor air, I see, hear and smell the earth the Lord created around me. And while the mountains are a masterpiece of His, the intricacies of the human body are just as marvelous. Likewise, His mark is in the piney woodland scent; in the birds flocking together in perfect "V" formation; and even in the layer of autumn leaves covering the ground like a blanket til the warmth of spring arrives.

Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
-Psalm 8:1

How majestic is your name_8x10_Psalm 8_1.jpg

How I Came Up With the Design

First, I found the awesome mountain landscape picture in my design files, and Psalm 8:1 came naturally to mind. I added another layer with some Spirograph-like design elements, which echoes the scientific precision underlying the beauty we see--with God as the Master architect. Softer on another layer, I included a canvas like texture--which is significant of God as the Master artist. And last, I added subtle cloud like elements in the foreground, in part to balance out the picture, but also to give a perspective as if you were peering in through the heavens.

Other Inspirational Art in my Series

Think about such things – Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #1
Lessons for Life– Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #2
Blessed is the Man– Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #3
Be Strong and Courageous– Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #4
Give and it will be given to you – Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #5
A Hope and a Future – Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #6
From His Abundance – Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #7
Confirm the work of our hands – Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #8
May the God of Hope – Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #9
Love Never Fails – Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #10
Faith Can Move Mountains – Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #11
Live by Faith – Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #12


Do you like posting encouraging quotes and verses in your home? If you have a favorite quote or verse, I’d be happy to design it for you. Just post it in the replies below. To see more of my inspirational art, click here.

I hope this art provides some encouragement for you today. @allforthegood


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