Oh, it's a Bird!

Look at that, I drew a bird! šŸ˜‚


How'd you like it?

Saw a bird drawing tutorial by @kristyglas that also became a contest and heck I thought I'd join. Didn't follow the exact steps though... I just drew it based off the reference pic. #whatfun

I used a normal gel ink pen. I have a Unipin but I'm mostly using pens since 2016. Any pen is fine with me. šŸ˜Š I can do the outlines and the guides but it's really just not my thing. šŸ˜…

Anyway so I took some pics and vids that I'm going to share with you.

Here's a short clip of me drawing it freehand. Oh boy.

And then here's the pic before I colored and shaded most of it in. This is step 4b or 5 if you do the tutorial. For those new to drawing, I will add the first steps below.


Oh it's been a while since I drew any animal. It's nice to draw again whenever I can. šŸ˜‰

Btw, it's better to use guidelines when drawing but hey maybe I'll do it next time. Oh wait let me put it here now. I did a pencil drawing with a guideline below. When I draw I never do guidelines unless it is for professional work. :) If it's just for fun and such, no need for guidelines for me. I can just draw 'em like I see 'em. Doesn't hurt anyone if I don't. Lol. It's just how I do things.

Guidelines are better if you need accuracy in drawing. That's tested and proven and always effective to use anytime. :)

So here's the first few steps I did using some guides.

First step, outline the body of the bird. You can do it like the body is 2x the head size. IMG_20180210_191024.jpg

Then you do the wings and the tail... Make use of an arc or half circle for the wing.

And then add more details, like the feathers. Didn't really count the wing feathers this time. Just drew them and followed the arc.

And then you can either shade it in first or ink it. Doesn't really matter, do what works for you. And then voila! The finished little bird is up there edited and colored for all the world to see.

Hope you enjoyed this birdy post.


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Ā© Art x Stephanie Rue

Want some more? You can check my other posts below that are still within the 7 day period upon posting this:

ā˜» The Hand of An Artist
Some kinda flower pen hand art.

ā¤ That Kraken Wall Art
My very first mural project. šŸ’Ŗ

šŸ’œ Say Hello to Captain Jack Sparrow
Art contests are loooove. šŸ˜ I get to draw stuff I wouldn't normally draw. šŸ˜‚


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