This morning I made an accidental haiku thanks to a bot in a comment section.
I was commenting on @artizm photo post and a bot answered back.
This moment of mind and machine made me smile and I thought, "I should use it for a drawing prompt myself."
However, being a bit busy this morning I thought why not make use of one of my older cafe black and white drawings.
And thus was born the marriage of my black and white drawing of my dog Monty with his two favourite chicks of the time and the new 're-alligned' haiku made by me by accident in a comment.
I like the use of
Light and shadow and the strong
Horizontal lines!
- donnadavisart
Let me say that the irony of my own obsession with the Singularity and merge with the machine was not lost on me. Here I was, typing away my little non chalent comment, and it was a bot, with his algorithmic intelligence making a poem of it.
Well done machine, perhaps when you are our overlords you will still have a bit of poetry and art in our enslavement.
Happy day to you all and may you, or your beloved hand held devices, desktops, tablets or even your toaster, find a haiku hidden in your speech patterns.
If you like my posts please upvote, resteem, and by all means comment, I love comments!
Check out my other posts:
- Daily Drawing: Best friends
- Photos of the day: My flowers colour inspiration.
- My Watercolour study: "Let sleeping cats lie"
- My Painting: "His Master's Voice"
- Plant haul, baby chicks, and busy days![june26flowerthumbnail.jpg](
- Pondering the Joys of our 'Steemit Town' on a #sublime sunday.
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