Today's section of my current piece is probably fitting the puzzle together much more
I am certain other's have surmised this is a Singularity piece. And for those who haven't seen the others, here they are again in order of my revealing them:
I'll just leave you with that image to digest today. And in the vein of my Singularity world and the idea of my series of paintings playing on this post Singularity world, let's take a look at our own world getting closer to that convergence. Enjoy.
I have you have a fine day and enjoy some luddite moment today away from tech, one never knows how long before we can 'disconnect' ;)
Check out my other posts:
- A #sublimesunday on a Monday, Planting succulents and playing with chickens
- A third hint of my current painting.
- Today's sketch inspired by my mother hen.
- Another hint at my current painting, What could it be?
Copyright @donnadavisart - All Rights Reserved
My bitcoin wallet as per the @slothicorn request to provide it with your artwork.