Today's Dada Drawing Gainsborough Greyhound

The lady greyhound surveys her dominion.


I have not been on dada much this past week, as I have bee very busy not only working on paintings but also planning out a new smaller veg garden.

I always begin my day with a cup of hot coffee and something to doodle. It might be pen and ink in a notepad on my bedside table, or a scribble on my tablet.

When I think of it, is great for that moment when you need to sit and just see other's doodles and drawings and let the spark begin to ignite in your imagination. I have often imagines artistic responses to other artwork I see, whether in museums or in books or online, and basically dada gives you the write to do that. A sort of ongoing illustrated picture book made my the internet.

As always, this doodle on is my response to an ongoing conversation. This flow of images leads one to pontificate in and respond in kind.

The artists who created this conversation are as follows from far left to right. First we have Dada, Hernán Cacciatore , Boris Z. Simunich, Boris Toledo Doorm, Maria Garcia and finally me of course

I hope you get a chance to hop over to dada at some point to check it out. And to those of you who are already there, I'll see you around.

If you like my work please upvote and feel free to resteem and by all means leave comments.

Check out my other posts:


My bitcoin wallet as per the @slothicorn request to provide it with your artwork.

Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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