FINALE - "Do You See What I See" - A Collaborative Art Journey including 14 Steemit Artists and 19 Collaborative Masterpieces


Perspective is such a powerful thing. 

In fact, it dictates our experience. 

It's amazing that we can all be a the same place,

 at the same time,

 in the same environment,

 with the same people,

and we all experience our own individual reality.

And so it is with art.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and 

we all experience art through our own perspective,

through the filters of our own experience and 

the imagination we are open to receive.


This Post is the 11th finale of our collaborative works!!!

Yay for all of us!!!!  

We have made an incredible collection of together-art like no other!

 My first two collaborations on Steemit were with @opheliafu, which were the catalyst to set this whole repertoire in motion.  Thank you @opheliafu for your extending such a fine welcome to artists on Steemit, and for setting such a great example of consistent, high-quality creation.  @ophelia was an incredible inspiration to me when I first began Steemit (and still to this day) as her support extended far and wide into this community and made it very apparent that art was a valuable contribution to Steemit.



Collaboration No. 11:

I offered up an Invitation to collaborate on this photograph I took of 

my drink with floating chia seeds, inside a faceted glass:  

"Do You See What I See?"

Then, 13 more artists worked their magic 

to produce 19 Collaborative Masterpieces 

from my photograph and their imaginations.  

Here are the results:

First of all--check this out!!!

@verbal-d:  Original Beat - Do You See What Chia Seeds?

<iframe width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src=";auto_play=false&amp;hide_related=false&amp;show_comments=true&amp;show_user=true&amp;show_reposts=false&amp;visual=true"></iframe>

The music created by @verbal-d is sure to pull you in and give you a taste of the talent here on Steemit.  This is music I love to hear and am taken by the involved time and energy given to this contribution.  Open his beat and enjoy it while you get astounded with the rest of these collaborative creations.

@aksinya: Love Is In the Air

and @aksinya did this too:  Do You Smell Coffee

AND...@aksinya did this too:  Spring Rain

and...guess what!!!  @aksinya did this too!!!  Do You Smell Autumn more final image of awesomeness by @akinsya:  Waiting for a Miracle

@comealong's version:

@the drollyears:  Rock Concert

@jessaymynorchard:  I See Innocence and Paradise Lost

@opheliafu: Snowflake Networks

@soyjoseluis:  LAS SEMILLAS DE LA DIVINIDAD  "The seeds of divinity"

@meesterboom:  Bee All You Can Bee

And also by @meesterboom:  Stronger

@shortcut:  Last Christmas for George

@aniestudio:  World War Zants

@yadamaniart:  Forest of Fireflies

@rubenalexander:  Poem Chia

@mariandavp: Birth  

This is a very unique and good feeling video.  I am certain you will love this one!!!  And...Marianda donated her post proceeds to the @gardenofeden!!!! YAY!!  Now we will go feed, house and educate more people! Thank you Marianda for sharing your genuine spirit! I'm in great appreciation of you.

I'm simply amazed and astounded at these masterpieces, and the beauty of this growing Steemit Artist's Community.  

I am grateful for all of those who joined me and for the opportunity to do it again!!  

Our 12th collaboration has just begun.  

This is your Invitation to come join us in play with


Finale of Shattered Rainbows

Finale of All Fired Up

Finale of No Strings Attached

Finale of Artist's Eye

Finale of Midnight Sky

Zentangle Art Collaboration

Building community through Art Collaboration

Collaboration using Ned's Head

Completed collaborations with @opheliafu:  Madam Kali and Bird on a Wing

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