FINALE - "All Fired Up" - A Collaborative Art Journey including 18 Steemit Artists and 19 Collaborative Masterpieces

What a blessing it is to share this platform with so many inspired people.



I put out the open call to all Steemian artists with my one little photo I call "All Fired Up":

- see the instructions in  My invitation to play 

18 artists answered my call with all of their amazing transformations.

Together we created 19 masterpieces all inspired by this one photograph.

I originally began this art collaboration effort to  earn rewards and make my way to Steemfest.  I was blown away by the response and support by this artists' community.  Not only did they join in the fun, they also donated funds from their own personal posts to help me make the journey to Amsterdam.   I made it!!!  Then I had the blessing to meet many of these participating artists at Steemfest, and got to hug and thank them in person.  Oh what a joy!!!

Many other artists I have only met on Steemit through our together-creations over the past couple of months.  Others are new to playing the game and this was their first entry.

All forms of art are welcomed and encouraged.  

Incredible pieces have been created by artists who have blended another photograph with mine,  added drawings or paintings, made videos, added sound and song, made a gif, and some even poured their heart into poetry.

We are making an incredible portfolio together that will be on this blockchain forever.

By participating in this game the artists agree to have their work used/reproduced/shared in some awesome way.

I can imagine stepping into Steemit headquarters where the walls are covered with our collaborative art.  I can imagine the magnificence of the garments we create with these prints, as well as posters, bags, lampshades, tapestries, bed linens, fabric wall hangings, curtains and more.  Perhaps cards with poetry that spills out from the page and a tune to delight you, or the images epoxied on table tops in a Steemit cafe, or displayed in a virtual gallery where our collection continues to grow in grand proportion.  I have a lot of ideas and I'm certain with this talented artists community more will surface and take form as the prime opportunity arises.

For now I wish to share these amazing co-creations and perhaps entice you to join us in our next Collaborative Art Journey beginning soon (and invite your other artist friends).  Be sure to check out each artists' individual posts to see how they transformed my photo into a collaborative masterpiece and to see the details of their thought processes of the journey.   

(I feel I have captured all the images/songs/poems, etc. to share here.  If by chance I am missing anyone, please feel free to let me know and I'll be sure to add it in on this collection.)

@meesterboom:  the Mohawk of Flame

@shortcut's striking image

@opheliafu:  "Man of Thread"

@mariandavp: Click to watch this amazing Digital art video - Cosmic Touch

@voronoi: the image as a map, a textural environment "Height Field"

I love this cool part of the process:

@robyneggs:  Post link to her process and poem:

Oh to paint the vulgar paint of the red, red rose
A line from Alice in Wonderland, for those who know
And I work and work, as time draws near
And sing a line that goes hi-ho, hi-ho
Christmas projects, left and right they go
As paper flies and candy canes shed tears
The children dress as sugar plums for the show
Oh how will I ever draw this art project to a close?
by Robyn Eggs on Toast

@merej99: All Fired Up with LEGS

@jessamynorchard: All Fired Up to find the "True Self"

@lloyddavis:  It's a gif-t!

@spaceginger:  It's another gif-t "Red Riding Hood"

@littlemozart:  "Girl of Flame"

@soyjoseluis: "Entry Hierbas"

@lightsplasher:   "Grass at Sunset"

@aniestudio:  Edgar Allan Poe

@thedrollyears:  "In the Wild"

@aksinya: "Fired Flamenco"

and also by @aksinya

"Fire Swallower"

@verbal-d:  This one has incredible sound-- M.M.M. # 14 Industrial Flames All Fired Up

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I am EVER amazed at the caliber of fantastic artists in this community and at the diverse creations we have shared.

Building a strong community has been one of my passions for the past decade living at the @gardenofeden.  Many of the same things I love about living in community, I also love about these art collaborations.  There are even extra perks as we unite and ignite our common passion for art.

We are all together, connecting with and supporting one another from our own little corners of the world.  We are learning each other's styles, melding our talents, sharing our passions, exchanging positively good feeling energy, upping our own abilities, showing gratitude and appreciation, inspiring others, earning rewards, surprising ourselves, giving each other gifts, building a really badass community within a community, getting and giving feedback, giving each other an audience to show our creations, activating a profound collection of Steemian Artist's Collaborative Works and enjoying every moment of our interactions everyday....and an added bonus -- it doesn't cost us anything, and we make little to no waste in the process. (Except of course electricity).

I hope you have enjoyed this taste of our combined collection.  

Here are a few more to appreciate:

Finale of No Strings Attached

Finale of Artist's EyeFinale of Midnight Sky

Zentangle Art Collaboration

Building community through Art Collaboration

Collaboration using Ned's Head

Completed collaboration with @opheliafu:  Madam Kali and Bird on a Wing


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