Art Explosion Week 7 Winners! The Alien themed art blew us away so we're giving extra prizes :)

This week the theme was aliens and we got visual arts, music, poetry, comics and more! We are mildly annoyed (in the best way possible) that all the entries were so amazing! @vachemorte and I have decided to increase the prize pool and give away a little more than intended.

Our top pick was this alien queen by @georgeboya. This collage art was so striking we unanimously agreed that it had to be the winner. George will get 10sbd!
Caterinaα.jpg @georgeboya/sphinx-caterina-the-alien-queen-entry-for-artexplosion7-handcut-collage-50-50cm

Next up is this music entry by @dreamrafa called "Alien Attack". @vachemorte and I are both musicians and really appreciate the creativity and technical abilities he showcased in this original composition! We can picture this as a theme song for a film where the invaders are jumping out of their ships and wreaking havoc on the planet, very excellent! @dreamrafa gets 5sbd!


This entry by @creativesoul also impressed us with it's sweet vintage/modern mix. It's a beautiful alien princess and we can't wait to hear the story that goes along with it! @creativesoul will get 5sbd!


The last of our top picks was from @dana-varahi for her alien guardian angel sculpture that looks like a beautiful found artifact from ancient times. Dana will also get 5sbd!


Honourable Mentions

"They're Back" was an excellent whimsical poem from @negativer that had some great imagery and made us both smile :) 2sbd!

This comic strip from @andrewgenaille also gave us a giggle, it's worth checking out all the parts, 2 sbd! Here's a little taste:

@mamadini has impressed me once again with her cute yet sinister alien painting, 2sbd!


@carlgnash told us a story of finding this alien creature in his ear, scary! 2sbd as well:


Carl also included this song as an unofficial entry which we both loved and I think it deserves an extra little shoutout here because it was great! Alien Warlord:

Thank you all again for the beautiful entries! If you didn't win it's not because we didn't love your art, but the amount of talent on steemit seems to be rising exponentially, I wish we had more money to give :D

Prizes should be arriving momentarily and I will be putting up the theme for next week on Monday, we hope you join us again!


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