Mr. Wednesday ~ Art by Red Dust

"Confused But Intrigued," Muttered Mr. Wednesday.

That's how I felt Mr. Wednesday. The show really isn't about the old gods and the new gods fighting over humanities fidelity. The show is about which is better, the old ways of power or the new ways of power. My opinion absolute power corrupts absolutely, whether you be conservative or liberal. If I picked sides I would be picking different flavors of insanity. I am staying out of this! Politics whether it be the gods or human is all about insanity.

Mr. Wednesday is played by Ian McShane who plays the old Norse God Odin, Odin has many names from all over the northern countries. Mr. Wed. has decided to rally the old gods together to wage war against the new gods, such as media who is played by Gillian Anderson. Right now I don't understand why Mr. Wednesday wants to go to war because it looks like he doesn't really care for humans. Maybe it's his love of war and he is looking for a fight.

People's attention is fragmented by media, entertainment, and digital devices. This series is just as fragmented and will play into our fragmented attention span as it jumps back and forth between characters and story lines while walking a thin line of the esoteric mythological stories only a few can actually understand.

I enjoyed the show tremendously because I like the weird and strange ways of telling stories by Neil Gaiman's book, "American Gods," from which this series is taken. The director and screenwriters are also experts at spinning wild and strange stories that walk the thin knife edge of losing the audience because they get too far out there for the normal viewing audience.

If you want to know more about the god Odin, the series "American Gods," and the characters I left links sprinkled through all my previous post regarding progress of my painting, which are linked below. The visuals in this series are also dreamlike and surreal, over the top using colors to evoke emotions with extreme attention to detail of costume and sets. I don't know which I like best, the weird story, the way the story is told, or the artistic detail to costume and set design.

The TV Series, "American Gods."

22 x 19 inches, 190lb watercolor paper, watercolor and gouache. If you want to buy this piece I may not sell it because I love it so much. I'm framing and hanging above my mythology library of books. Also I worked around 66 hours on this painting and if I charged by the hour most people couldn't afford the price.

Cast of Characters

Thank You

Thank you for your comments, your honest and heartfelt critiques, your ideas and thoughts exploring this idea with me. I am surprised how much I love communicating in this way. I really love exploring ideas with other people, something new I discovered about myself on Steemit, besides improving my painting skill-set this last year.

Sketch and Story

I started with an eye!

First Layers Of Colors

Second Layer

Mr. Wednesday's Hands

Mr. Wednesday's Ravens

Just About Finished

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