Love and the decision of the heart - Tarot Friday#7 – "The Lovers"

Time to visit the temple of the secrets again for another chapter of the "journey of the fool". In previous posts, we saw, how a soul was born into our world, met divine and physical parents and the teacher. Although the pictures on the cards are metaphoric, lets compare them to the episodes of a human life.

Our child is now growing up and slowly but surely its time to leave the parents house and venture out into the world. Around that time, our youngster is falling in love...


The card also represents the decision of the heart, following it, no matter what the mind will have to say about it. The bright reds are the colors of love and the pure, but also fragile heart.


If you are interested in the aspects of divination, please make sure to
visit @mystikmoongypsy and @tarotbyfergus

Tarot Panorama-Klein.jpg

Temple of the secrets, total size of artwork is 15ft by 45ft, unfinished


If you'd like to take a look at previous cards, you can use the following links:

"0- The Fool"

"I - The Magician"

"II - The High Priestess"

"III - The Empress"

"IV - The Emperor"

"V - The High Priest"

View all my pictures I ever posted here on steemit!

Viewer discretion advised, nsfw pictures visible without warning!

All photos/scans by #ReinhardSchmid of my own artwork. The original cards are roughly
20"x40" and painted on glass in "Hinterglas" technique as described here


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