Hand-Painted Animation (Because I Hate Myself)

Friends, followers, Steemians; I'd like to tell you a tale about art and masochism.

Recently, I agreed to work on an animated music video for my friend Shikaina. Being a cocky son of a bitch, I said, "Hey, you know what would look amazing? Hand-painted animation!" 

I was probably right. It will look amazing. But it's will hurt. Every frame will require painstaking work: focus, sweat, and blood. 

Why do I torture myself this way? Do I have a deep-seeded hatred of myself that I can only work through by inflicting the pain of work on myself? Or do I just want so badly to make something really cool.

We may never know the answer. The resulting work is the only thing we can know for certain.. 

This thing is going to be really cool!

That was just a quick test. Now get back to work Seth!


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