A Psychedelic Tale Prancing Through The Moment (original story and drawing)

„Are you afraid of death?“ the pink princess thought, then whispered almost inaudible. The words were only heard by her closest friend. And no one knows if it was the thought or the wisp of speech the green girl reacted to when she gave her friend a loving hug. It was clear new moon night and cool compared to the usual temperatures in the coloured lands. The fireflies had cancelled their nightly flight because of the weather so the scenery was only lightened by the stars.

The girls loosened their embrace and relaxed down on the grassy ground to view the firmament. They faced the tremendous surrounding space and their own deep rootedness with the ground and holding each other’s warm hands they got flooded by a humble sentiment. For some while the quietude drew a veil over their thoughts then the green princess rolled on her side and faced the pink princess. Her eyes mirrored the star spattered sky.

“I do not believe in death, I rather believe in life.” the green girl said with an air of hardness to her lovely voice. The pink princess turned her head and with an incredulous expression stared in the black pupil of her friend. “How…” she started thinking but the other girl intercepted her thought: “I cannot tell you in any rational argument but I wrote a song about this some time ago when I was facing the night sky in solitude. Do you want to hear it?” The friend nodded with a grave presentiment and the green girl started to sing with an enchanted voice:

A long forgotten melody,
Prances through the moment,
A colourful woven movement,
Brings sweet melancholy.

My stars shine true and living,
No death can banish their light
If there is only "I" and my night
My brightest love I am giving

To her!

Hey everyone,
I hope you enjoyed readding this story. If you are interested in the other parts check out this links:


Lots of Light and Love<3

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