A day at AWS (Amazon Web Services) Summit | AWS(亚马逊网络服务)峰会 (by @ace108)

Yesterday, I spent a whole day at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, attending the AWS (Amazon Web Services) Summit. I attended the event 2 years ago and it was crowded. It's a bigger venue this time round. I went earlier to register for the event but still ended up queuing a long time. Salute to the staff of Marina Bay Sands and AWS. The human traffic flow was still smooth and orderly. There were many exhibition booths setup by the different partners and sponsors of AWS. The people there started to get busy even before the event started.

昨天,我在新加坡滨海湾金沙湾度过了一整天,参加了AWS(亚马逊网络服务)峰会。两年前来过同样的活动。当时也很拥挤。 这次的地点更大。 我早点去登记,但还是排队等。向滨海湾金沙和AWS工作人员致敬。 人流量依然流畅有序。 AWS的不同合作伙伴和赞助商设置了许多展台。 即使在开始之前,那里的人们也开始忙着。

IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/HJ8sRusal

Before | 之前

There was a whole day of talks planned with break out sessions after the tea break.

IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/BklJUhjjpe

The room was huge and setup with a stage at the center with seats on four sides. 会议中心
IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/r1zUiRuo6e

This was to be my breakfast. I woke and rush here without breakfast and picked this up at one of the exhibition booth before I went in to sit.
这是我的早餐。 早上没有吃早点赶到这里。 在外面展台之一,有人给了这巧克力饼干。
IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/HyQLoCOspg

After | 之后

Shortly after breakfast, the keynote started.

IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/SJ4UoAdjpg

IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/r1HLiCdoax

After the keynote speeches, there was tea break and I went around the different exhibition booths. I went into a breakout session late. The staff was asking if I have the transceiver. What receiver?

主题演讲后,茶歇,我走到不同的展台。 我迟到了一个分组讲议。 工作人员问我是否有接收器。 什么接收机?
She helped to dig this orange bag that was full of brochure which was given to me when I registered.
IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/Hy9HLhs6g

It was actually a radio and earphones. I was told I need it for the break out session. Going into the room, it looks familiar. The same big room before was divided into 4 rooms by black curtains. For each break out session, you need tune the radio to the respective frequency to listen to the speaker who can bearly be heard unless you wear the earphones. It was a kind of strange feeling especially when you hear the sound of people clapping from the other break out sessions.
这实际上是一个收音机和耳机,员工告知我需要用他来听讲义。进入房间,看起来很熟悉,之前的大房间被黑色的窗帘分成4个房间。 对于每个分组会话,您需要将收音机调到各自的频率,戴耳机才以收听到。 有点快的感觉是,但隔壁一组鼓掌的时候都听得到。 这是一种奇怪的感觉,特别是当你听到别人的声音从另一个爆发的会议。

IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/BkLUiAdj6e

Later, lunch was getting ready to serve. The thing about this event, there was food and drinks for tea breaks and lunch.

后来午餐准备好了。 这峰会的好处,有茶点和午餐供应。
IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/Sy8FYFsTg

I had my passport stamps completed. This was what I was going to the various exhibition booths - to get the stamps from the different exhibitor. At each booth, the people will scan my badge. This probably means I'm going to end up with more mails from them which I have to unsubscribe later. Once the passport was completed, I could go and redeem from redemption counter a gift which turn out to be completely useless."
我的护照已经盖满了印章。 这是我去各个展位的任务 - 从不同的参展商那里盖个印章。 在每个展位,有人会扫描我的徽章。 这可能意味着我将要从他们那里得到更多的邮件,我必须稍后取消订阅。 护照任务完成后,可以从柜台兑换一份完全没用的礼物。

IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/BJOIsCdi6e

Back to the break out sessions after the afternoon tea break, this was the last break out session.

IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/SyFUoC_i6e

After that, the room transformed back to the big room with the black curtains drawn.
IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/Sk5LjCOjpx

IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/rkjIsAuiTl

Listening to the various people from AWS, their partners and their customers was inspiring. Gives me a feeling that they listen to their customers' requirements and develop new products to suit. They have been growing at a fast pace over the years. As I was told 4,000 people turned out for the event. An amazing feat. Time to pack up and go. I took a walk to Chinatown Point from Marina Bay Sands"
聆听来自AWS的人,伙伴和客户的讲义,让我感觉到他们听取客户的要求,开发新产品,多年来一直在快速成长。 据我所知,当天有4,000人出席。 一个不简单的任务。 完毕后,收拾东西走去唐城坊。

After | 之后

IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/rkjIsAuiTl

As I left, I saw this model of the Marina Bay Sands and quickly snap a picture.

IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/HyrxUiC_oTx



Please see my other posts: @ace108
请看我其他帖: @ace108



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