The Challenges Bahbahra faces 3 Finding friends

The Challenges Bahbahra faces 3 finding friends

Continuing on with the adventures of Bahbahra, if you missed previous episodes I have included links to them at the bottom of this story.

Following on with Bahbahra's attempt to make friends with the three monkeys with no success, she considered this a little hiccup and was no going to give up on her quest to make new friends.

So she had me help her to continue looking for friends and came across this very cheerful squirrel named Sam.

Bahbahra was so happy when Sam asked her to come with him to meet his friends and family, but when he leaped from one branch to another going up a tree, she almost fell off and thought as much as she liked Sam, going up in trees like that just wasn't for her.

A little further along Bahbahra came along this parrot, named Petunia and they had a great chat, Petunia told her about all the sights she had seen.

Bahbahra was over the moon to make another friend and plans to spent more time with her, but she had to turn down her offer to hold tight and the parrot would show her some of the cool buildings around the city from a birds eye view.

Bahbahra thanked her kindly but let he know she feels a lot more comfortable down on the ground.

The next friend Bahbahra found on this outing, Dean the dolphin, a very peaceful and knowledgeable character, he thrilled Bahbahra with his stories of the beautiful fish and coral in the sea.

Bahbahra would have loved to have gone with Dean and see some of the sights he told her about, but realised this would not be that good an idea for a couple of reasons, she couldn't hold her breath as long as Dean could, and also her nice pink Jersey and wool would get very soggy and heavy in the water.

Next on the outing we came across old Tom the turtle.

Tom was a bit of a grumpy old codger and wasn't in the mood to chat, but he did suggest she popped down the road a bit as there was his granddaughter who may be more interested in chatting

Bahbahra came across Tina the turtle Tom's granddaughter right where he said she would be, Tina was so colorful and fun her and Bahbahra had a good long chat.

Bahbahra was surprised to hear that Tom was over a 100 years old and never knew turtles could live that long.
Bahbahra enjoyed her chat with Tina, but although like the others she felt they could be friends the fact that Tina liked spending most of her time in the water, did not bode well for them having adventures together.

Bahbahra was thrilled to have made so many new friends on this outing, but came to the realization that if she wanted friends to spend time with and have adventures together she needed to find friends with similar interests and styles for them to be great friends, so I feelBahbahras quest to find friends will continue.

You can find Bahbahra’s previous stories below

Bahbahra - Making a call

Bahbahra - Life lessons while looking for friends

Stay cool and Steem on

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