📷🚶🚶🚶🚲 #BeautifulSunday challenge & #carfreesunday 20170430 | 美丽星期天挑战 和 无车星期日 20170430 (by @ace108)

Beautiful Sunday Challenge | 美丽星期天行动

I am starting #beautifulsunday challenge from this post. Here are the rules:

  • Post must be posted on Sunday and include the #beautifulsunday tag which I am starting in this post though it need not be in the first tag.
  • Post must have at least 2 colour images. Why? Because Monochrome is for Monday.
  • Post must have content that make me feel you are telling a beautiful story in the form of text or video.
  • The story does not have to be something you do on Sunday but if it is, then it will be good if you mentioned that somehow.
  • If you can pop in a link to your #beautifulsunday post into my #beautifulsunday post, it will ensure I don't miss your post.
我从这个帖开始,我将开始一个美丽星期天#beautifulsunday发帖行动。 这是规则:
  1. 帖子必须在星期天发布,并且用我在这帖里开始使用的#beautifulsunday标签,但不需要用于第一个标签。
  2. 帖子必须至少有2个彩色图像。为什么?因为单色是星期一的挑战。
  3. 帖子必须有内容,让我觉得你以视频或者文字的形式讲述了一个美丽的故事。
  4. 这故事不一定要是你在星期天做的事情,但如果是的话,最好在帖里提一下。
  5. 如果你可以在我的美丽星期天#beautifulsunday帖留言留下链接到你的美丽星期天的帖,就会确保我不会错过你的美丽星期天。
  6. How it works? | 如何运作?

    • Every week between Tuesday to Thursday of the following week after the payout of the #beautifulsunday posts, I will randomly choose 3 winners I feel like have told me a beautiful enough story to give them free steem.
    • I shall not limit the number of posts but I shall choose only post which have low payout which I am currently defining as $5 or less. Why? Because if your payout is above $5, you already have reasonably good reward for the post.
    • The free steem will be send to the winners to power up their account.
    • For a start, I shall choose 3 winners weekly and each winner will get 0.3 steem.
    • For a start also, I am funding this #beautifulsunday challenge with steem from my own account. If there is anyone who wants to donate, they are most welcome and I can increase the number of winners and/or number of steem given to each winner. Otherwise, you can always choose your own #beautifulsunday winners and send them steem yourself. :-)
    • 每周星期二到星期四之间,文辉在#beautifulsunday的帖支付后,将随意选择3个帖让我觉得里面有个美丽的故事给我做为赢家。
    • 我不会限制你发多少帖,但我只会选择低支付的帖。我目前定义为低于$5为低支付。为什么?因为如果你的帖已超过$5,已算获得不错的奖励。
    • 免费steem将发送给赢家,以加强户口。
    • 首先,我会每周选择3名获奖者,每位获胜者将获得0.3steem。
    • 先开始,#beautifulsunday挑战的奖品来自我个人户口。如果有人想要捐赠,那么当然欢迎。这样我可以增加获胜者的数量和/或给每一个赢家的多点steem。要不然,您可以随时选择自己的喜欢的#beautifulsunday获奖者,并自己发送奖给自己喜欢的人。 :-)

    Now, before I start my #beautifulsunday post, let me share with you an oldie I found on youtube first.


    Car Free Sunday | 无车星期天

    Last Sunday was Car Free Day at the Civic district again. Another last Sunday of the month. I woke up early and left home before sunrise to head out to do some volunteer work for tennis outreach programme. I drove in before road was closed this time and approach from a different direction. It was as a busy Sunday and I didn’t take as many photos as before but still quite a bit.

    上周日又是在市区的“无车日”活动。 一个月的最后一个星期天。还是摸黑出发去做一些推广网球运动的义工但这次在路没封前开车从另外方向进去。这次很忙。没拍很多照片但也算不少。

    The road was closed early enough.

    Sunday - Road Closure
    IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/HypzPFKyZ

    Nets for the tennis activity area are already setup. However, the direction was again not what we want. So, some shifting is necessary.

    Net 2
    IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/r1i7PYYJb

    Across the Padang field, the St Andrew Cathedral can be seen

    St Andrew
    IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/H1SrvYK1W

    The Padang field seems to have some setup for big event.

    IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/BkgSSvKFJW

    Something new which I have not seen in previous editions of #carfreesunday. A group of people will be here to practise Qigong later.

    IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/HkfBHPFKJZ

    A glimpse of the the financial district.

    View of the finanial district
    IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/SJ7rrwFY1-

    I thought all the nets were setup for tennis. Actually, two were for pickleball which is a game I played quite a bit. I went there to make some new friends.

    匹克球 我以为所有网都为网球活动准备的。实际上,两个是为匹克球。是我相当熟悉的球赛。我到那里去交一些新朋友。
    IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/rkESSDFK1-


    IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/ryLhYwFKkZ

    This big guy called Nila is our volunteer team mascot.

    这叫 "尼啦" 的大家伙是我们志愿者团队的吉祥物。
    IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/HkxedDtYJW

    Look at him. He's still quite agile.

    IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/SJeuDYFkb

    Of course, we have our tennis activity there. This time we are stronger as we have friends from the WTA to collaborate with us.

    IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/ryWrrPKFyb

    The boys from the football academy trying their hands on tennis activity.

    IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/S1Zl_wFY1-

    More people joined in the fun.

    IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/BJN2FDFtkZ

    Boy 4

    IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/Bk-2YvtKJ-

    The lucky ones get to bring Wilson home. Actually, it’s a prize in the form of a big tennis ball given to the kids who completed some challenge activities. Sponsored by the WTA folks.

    幸运的人将可威尔逊带回家。 其实,这是一个超大网球的奖品。分给完成了一些挑战活动的孩子。世界网球协会赞助的。
    Big Wilson
    IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/ByyhDYFyZ

    After work | 收工后

    After work, I checked out if there are other interesting things happening.


    There are some football matches being played at the padang field.

    Football C
    IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/rJ-k2DYYJW

    Football A
    IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/H1gJ2wKt1b

    The girls are playing here.

    Football B
    IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/SyQyhPttkb

    While others were resting, this guy was dancing to the background music.

    Move it dance
    IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/r1f1nvtYJW

    Caffeine served from a truck.

    IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/SyNJhwtFkW

    Standing in the middle of the road which was still closed, I took 2 photo in opposite directions.

    Fin Distrial
    IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/H1losdYtkZ

    IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/rJBk2vKKyW

    Lastly, I took this panorama shot which should be about 360 degrees. To get a good look, you should click on the IMAGE LINK and open the full image.

    Pana FULL
    IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/S179Qmqyb


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