Hello steemit,
welcome to the 18th edition of the German Beer of The Day series. In this episode I present a funny beer from Bavaria, the Grantler Hell brewed by Schlossbrauerei Herrngiersdorf KG brewery. Grantler is a bavarian term and can be best translated with "grumpy man".

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The Beer
The beer Grantler Hell is a Helles beer. More information about this beer can be found under http://www.grantler-hell.de/
The Bottle

The Label on the Front

The Label on the Back

The Bottle Cap

The Label on the Bottleneck

The Specification
- Original Wort: 11,6%
- Alcohol Content: 4,8%
- Ingredients: Water, barley malt, hops
- Bottle Capacity: 500 ml
The Brewery
The beer is brewed by Schlossbrauerei Herrngiersdorf KG, which is located in Herrngiersdorf, a small village near Regensburg in Bavaria. This brewery is the oldest private brewery in the world, founded in year 1131. More information about the brewery you can find under http://www.schlossbrauerei-herrngiersdorf.de/
The Unboxing
I recorded the unboxing last Saturday. We enjoyed the 3rd Advent Weekend, and I added one Snowman Smoker to pimp the scene.
2D in 1080p
3D in 1080p

Behind the scenes
As our Balcony Armor is to small to host greater scenes, I have mounted an IKEA Lack table to host the setup.

The Beer Map
The map contains the locations of the breweries of the featured beers of this series. Either click the image to open the map on Google or follow this hyperlink

The Beer Log
In case you visit my blog the first time in your life, please also watch and upvote the previous episodes of this series.
#17 - Grantler Hell
#16 - Reutberger Export Hell
#15 - Fortuna Hell Lagerbeer
#14 - Warsteiner Pilsener
#13 - Wieninger Winter Festbier
#12 - Rosenheimer Hefe Weißbier
#11 - König Pilsener
#10 - Fendt Dieselroß Öl
#9 - Rothaus Pils
#8 - Unertl Ursud
#7 - Radeberger Pilsener
#6 - Irseer Kloster-Urtrunk
#5 - Maxlrainer Helles
#4 - Flensburger Pilsener
#3 - Perlenbacher Radler alkoholfrei
#2 - Kuchlbauer Aloysius
#1 - Hacker-Pschorr Oktoberfest Märzen
German Beer Of The Day On Tour
#4 - Becks Pilsener at Brenta Dolomites
#3 - Erdinger Urweiße at Munich Airport
#2 - Hacker Pschorr Münchner Hell at Alter Wirt Forstenried
#1 - Allgäuer Büble infront of Neuschwanstein Castle
Drink Responsible!
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