The Beers, Their Personality and Their Nature (Part Three)


Hello dear friends of steemit, thank you for being present on my blog and accompanying with reading my post. As every day Thursday I am posting a new informational beer post, this interesting information I found it while surfing the web, I hope it is to your liking and enjoy as much as I did when doing the post.

Before starting I want to clarify that I am Spanish speaking, I read and write only in Spanish, unfortunately English does not understand or write, all my work I do with the help of the translator google, so I want to apologize for any mistakes that may Arise in translation.

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Making a bit of memory before entering the theme of today, we have already seen an introduction and the history of the beers of my country, we talk about the Ale brew families, the "high fermentation" and its different styles.

In today's post we will talk about the Lager beer families and their different styles.

"Type Lager Beers"


"Lager type" are beers made with the "low fermentation" procedure, ie in the process of transformation yeast go to the bottom of the tank. These beers are transformed slowly between 5 and 9 degrees, as its name indicates in German means "store" this beer has to stand in cold for 2 to 6 months according to the recipe of each producer.

The artificial cooling caused the producers to produce the "lager beers" beginning in the middle of the "nineteenth century".

These beers can be classified into several styles according to the "keep" time, consistency, type of malt, hops, recipes from each producer and can be styled "Pilsen, Münchner Hell - Pale Bavarian Lager, Münchner Dunkel - Dark Lager - Munich Style, Märzen / Oktoberfest - Vienna Style, Dortmunder Export, Bock, Doppelbock, Weizenbock, Maibock, Eisbock ".

At present it is the most used procedure in the whole earth.

For more information, click on the link

"Lager Style Lager Beers"


The "Pilsen Style" are light-colored beers, with a dry taste of malt nature and the characteristic hops aroma, with an alcohol content ranging from 4.5 to 5.5%, with a maturity of two months.

Its processing ingredients are under "the law of German purity or Reinheisgebot" contain water, yeast, hops and malt barley.

The name is in honor of the town of Plzen of Bohemia, this variety of beer is the most elaborate of the whole earth.

"Beers Type Lager Style Münchner Hell - Pale Bavarian Lager"


The "Pálidas Bavarian Style" are golden, semi-dry, rough and low-hop beers with a alcohol content ranging from 4.5 to 5%.

Depending on the place they are called in different ways such as "Helles, münchner hell, or vollbier. It basically refers to its color.

"Style Lager Beers Münchner Dunkel Style - Dark Lager - Munich Style"


The "Dark Lager - Munich Style" are dark beers, their color ranges from red to brown to brown with a strong malt nature, the alcohol content ranges from 5 to 5.5%.

They are characteristic of the city of Munich and of some areas of Franconia, also can be known as "Munich (Münchner), dunkel or dunkles" that refers to its dark color.

"Beers Type Lager Märzen / Oktoberfest - Vienna Style"


The "Vienna Style Lager" are rough-flavored reddish beers with enough "body" the alcohol content ranges from 5 to 6%.

The name "Vienna" is in honor of the city of Vienna and the term "Märzen-Oktoberfest-Vienna" is only used in Germany and refers to Vienna's style of elaboration, a "guard" beer, Could be consumed between September and October.

In others of the world it is known like "vienna style or amber" referring to the color of the beer.

"Beers Type Lager Dortmunder Export"


The "Dortmunder Export" are pale yellow beers, of medium dry taste, rough and somewhat bitter.

The name of "Dortmunder" is in honor of the "city of Dortmund", therefore beers "Dortmunder Export" are "export" beers and those that are consumed in Germany are called "Dortmunder of origin"

"Beers Type Lager Bock, Doppelbock, Weizenbock, Maibock, Eisbock"


The "Bock", as its name indicates are strong beers, these beers were born in "Einbeck north of Germany" back in the "14th century"
They can be dark or pale beers with flavored alcohol tenor ranging from 4.5 to 6.5%, these beers are made with "barley"

"Weizenbock" beers are made from a portion of wheat, also known as the "wheat bock"

The "maibock" beers are yellow flavored "strong, rough and fruity". It is an ideal beer to drink all year round, in the winter for being strong and in the summer for its port side fruit.

The "doppelbock" beers were born in a church in Munich, these were drinks by the monks when they made fasts, a strong beer, with a tenor of alcohol greater than 6.5%.

The beer "eisbock" is the strongest beer in the category with an alcohol content of 10%, as its name implies, is called so by its process of elaboration, these beers are frozen, then Remove part of the ice, leaving concentrated alcohol and sugar.

These are all varieties of beer "Type Lager" of "low fermentation", in the next post we will see the rest of the varieties, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did this post.

For more information just enter the links below.


I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another story of my land Corrientes.

José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina

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