πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, December 25thπŸ’°

  • This Week in Bitcoin: Markets Wobble While Fees Keep Soaring;
  • Israel Government Considering National Cryptocurrency
  • BitPay Stops Processing Payments Less Than $100, Backpedals Two Days Later
  • Segwit2X To Be Reborn in Coming Weeks Ahead

Merry Christmas to you all my friends!

Take care my CryptoFriends.

πŸ—ž This Week in Bitcoin: Markets Wobble While Fees Keep Soaring

Bitcoin never sleeps or slows. With the holidays approaching, there was zero chance of the world’s leading cryptocurrency taking a break so we could tend to last-minute shopping and drinking. Like the primadonna that she is, this week in bitcoin continued the year’s trend of hogging the limelight, with tales of rising fees and Coinbase misbehavior fueling much of the action.

Read more & Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/this-week-in-bitcoin-markets-wobble-while-fees-keep-soaring/

πŸ—ž Israel Government Considering National Cryptocurrency

"The Israeli regulators have been looking into digital currencies for a while, we were even part of this conversation. If this initiative becomes a reality, Colu will be happy to collaborate...as we believe digital currencies are the future of money."

Read more & Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/israel-government-considering-national-cryptocurrency

πŸ—ž BitPay Stops Processing Payments Less Than $100, Backpedals Two Days Later

β€œBitcoin miner fees are now more than $30 per transaction on average … Bitcoin payments under $100 are quickly becoming impractical for users to send and for BitPay to process.”

Read more & Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitpay-stops-processing-payments-less-than-100-backpedals-two-days-later

πŸ—ž Segwit2X To Be Reborn in Coming Weeks Ahead

Block No. 501451, which is planned to be produced roughly speaking on December 28, 2017, will be decisive for the old/new fork Segwit2X, and a Christmas present for the entire crypto-community. An experienced team of developers declares that it will resume activity based on the launch of the suspended project on its website.

Read more & Source: https://themerkle.com/segwit2x-to-be-reborn-in-coming-weeks-ahead/

πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, December 24thπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, December 23rdπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, December 22ndπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, December 21stπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, December 20thπŸ’°

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