I'm BAAACK! Knee is 100% healed + talk about consistency in BJJ and STEEMIT


That's the happy look I had on yesterday, after first 3 rounds of sparring :) I was back in the training after 13 weeks out, because of my knee! Also, considering that I got tapped out like 5 times during those 3 rolls, I look pretty happy :D


Toto je moj stastny pohlad zo vcera, po prvych 3 kolach sparringu :) Prvy trening po presne 13 tyzdnoch liecenia zraneneho kolena. Na to, ze som musel tapnut (vzdat sa) asi 6krat len za tych prvych 15 minut, vyzeram docela spokojny :D

Consistency in BJJ

As we know, jiu-jitsu is not really a marathon. Just consistently showing up several times a week is better then doing 10 sessions one week and then taking a 2 week break. I guess same applies to Steemit. Since I registered here during my injury, I had much more time in the evenings to upvote, comment and write posts. One hour room workout was simply less timewise demanding than 2 hour bjj session + extra fooling around + commuting.

Consistency on Steemit

I was sprinting - posting sometimes even 2 posts a day. But this approach is not sustainable. Neither in BJJ nor on Steemit (if you have lot of outside world stuff to do). So I guess I'm stopping my headstart Steemit sprint and starting to go more maratonish pace. Exactly like in bjj, where getting a blackbelt takes often more than 10 years. I have some pre-written posts and would love to continue post daily. But with work, daily training, thesis + some extra stuff I'm not sure if I'll manage to do so. If only could I get rid of that thesis already :/

Pravidelnost v BJJ

Jiu jitsu nie je maraton. O bjj planujem dllllhy post len pre #cesky. Co plati, je ze trenovat 4krat tyzdene je omnoho lepsie ako mat 10 treningov tyzdenne a dalsi tyzden ziaden. Myslim, ze to iste plati aj na Steemit-e. Registroval som sa tu pocas zranenia a tak som tu po veceroch mohol travit omnoho viac casu. Workout v izbe je omnoho menej casovo narocny ako ist do gymu + 2hod trening + potreningove extra skusanie + ist domov.

Pravidelnost na Steemite

Moje doterajsie ucinkovanie na Steemite bol sprint. Postoval som niekedy aj 2 posty denne. Aj s textom, nie len rychle fotos. No casovo to uz nie je dalej udrzatelne. Pravdepodobne budem musiet zmenit moje tempo zo sprintu na maraton. Presne ako v BJJ. Dostat cierny opasok trva zvycajne 10+ rokov. Mam napisanych par postov dopredu, tak to mozno nebude az tak badatelne, no kazdopadne popri praci, kazdodennom treningu, diplomke + nejakych extra veciach tu uz nemozem tolko sediet. Keby som sa len vedel zbavit tej diplomky :/

Some more selfies

Well, and this is how I looked like after another 30 minutes of continuous beatdown :D Though I expected it to be worse, I remember quite a lot of techniques, they just weren't coming as quick as before. Not that they were coming quick before hahaha. I should have written they were coming even slower than before :) Anyway, I got soo beat up yesterday, that I've forgotten to take pictures in landscape mode.

Nejake svojky navyse

No a takto som vyzeral po dalsich 30 minutach ponizovania :D Aj ked popravde som ocakaval, ze to bude horsie. Pamatal som si skoro vsetko, len sa mi techniky tak jednoducho a rychlo nespajali do sekvencii. Nie ze by to predtym bolo rychle haha. Skor som mal napisat, ze sa mi teraz spajali este pomalsie ako predtym :) Kazdopadne ma vcera tak zmlatili, ze som nakonci uplne zabudol na landscape foto format.


I'm looking much worse after those 30 minutes, you don't need to point that out, I know :D / Po tych dalsich 30 minutach vyzeram o dost horsie, to mi nemusite ani hovorit :D

But still happy / Ale stale spokojny

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. [3 months in Pakistan #3] Northern areas
  2. Alpine treasure - town hidden in mountains
  3. My first #Ulog!
  4. Worst coffee art fail ever.. I couldn't believe my eyes! :D
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