My first Ulog - productive Sunday


My first #ulog is out. Hope @surpassinggoogle will be proud of me :D


Woke up liiittle bit later than usually on my free day First thing except for visiting bathroom was to check cryptomarkets. I don't do it at all during a week but weekends are liiittle bit more chill so I find some time for it. Usually I read about fundamentals but yesterday I went more TA.


Moj prvy #ulog. Dufam, ze @surpassinggoogle bude na mna hrdy :D


Vstal som trosku neskor nez v ine volne dni, lebo som bol v noci dlhsie vonku. Prva vec okrem kupelky bolo precitanie si nejakych veci z kryptosveta. Cez tyzden na to nemam cas, no cez vikend si nad to rad sadnem. Citam skor o technologii, aj ked vcera som checkoval skor cenu a TA.

9:30 - Breakfast

Went for my usual eggs with a bit of bread & cheese from the oven. @evecab - it's vegetarian this time! No bacon!

9:30 - ranajky

Dal som si ako zvycajne vajicka s trochou chleba a syru zapeceneho v trube. Vegetariani by sa potesili, tentokrat bez slaniny! :)

10:00 - master thesis

With the first coffee of the day, I tried to produce something meaningful.

10:00 - diplomovka

Pod vplyvom prvej kavy dna som sa pokusil vyprodukovat nieco zmysluplne.

12:00 - garden action

Thesis was going good but the weather outside was sooo beautiful I couldn't just sit in my room. I've decided to try a 100second hanging challenge and eventually made a challenge post about it.

12:00 - zahrada

Diplomka sla odruky ale vonku bolo prilis pekne na to aby som sedel cely cas v izbe. Rozhodol som sa vyskusat 100 sekundu challenge vo vise o ktorej som spravil nakoniec aj post.

I have to say those 82 seconds hanging were pretty torturous for hands
Musim povedat, ze tych 82 sekund visenia boli pre dlane hotove mucenie.

Later came Stella. As always, full of energy with her ball.
Neskor prisla Stella. Ako vzdy, plna energie s jej loptickou.

And then, as the thesis time eventually got closer again. I started doing everythin possible to prolong my time in the garden. E.g taking random pictures.
No a potom, ked sa zacalo znova schylovat k diplomovke, tak som robil hocco sa len dalo, aby som znova do tej izby ist nemusel. Napriklad random fotky.

15:00 - Thesis vol.2

There wasn't really anythin interesting going...

15:00 - znova diplomka

Tu sa naozaj nic zaujmave pre oko citatela nedialo...

20:30 - Workout time

Wohoo after 5 hours of sitting, I finally got to move again. It was a deadlift time!

20:30 - workout

Wohoo po 5 hodinach sedenia som sa znova mohol postavit. Bol cas na mrtve tahy!

22:00 - Grill session

This one was completely unexpected. I was sitting in my room and my mate came inside with all veggies cut and meat marinaded. Even grill was already on. I loved him for this!

22:00 - grilovacka

Toto bolo uplne neocakavane. Nieco som robil na kompe, ked zrazu spolyubyvajuci vosiel do izby. Vraj ze gril uz bezi, zelenina je narezana a maso sa marinuje odvcera. Woohooo!

00:30 -Writing this #ulog

I'm tiiireeed...Could finish it tomorrow before work but doing it now makes this Sunday perfect!

00:30 - pisanie tohto

Chcem spaaaat....Mohol by som to kludne dopisat zajtra, ale ak to spravim dnes, tak to bude idealna nedela.
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