My first live MMA event - 9 fights / 6 submissions!


INNFERNO MMA returned to Innsbruck this weekend and we even had a member of our gym fighting on the card. I didn't really know what to expect but was pretty excited at the same time. Quite a lot of people of the gym were going so I've joined.

Fight card

The fight card consisted of 12 fights. First 4 were amateur fights so using knee and elbow attacks on the head were not allowed. Other 8 fights were pro fights with last 3 being for the championship belt. And last but definitely not least, our friend Johnny was fighting as well.


INNFERNO MMA sa tento tyzden znova po roku vratilo do Innsbrucku a tentokrat mal nas gym dokonca zeliezko v ohni. Fakt som nevedel, co od takehoto eventu ocakavat, no samozrejme som na otazku ci chcem ist nemohol odpovedat inak nez ano.

Fight card

Na plane bolo 12 zapasov, prve 4 amaterske, cize lakte a kolena do hlavy boli zakazane. Dalsich 8 fightov boli profesionalne a posledne tri boli dokonca o opasok organizacie. No a samozrejme, najdolezitejsi fight bol Johnny a jeho pro zapas v stredne tazkej vahe.


The vibe in the room was just crazy. Especially during the walkout, epic music, fire throwers and a cage in the middle of the room. I have crazy respect for everyone who's brave enough to do this, no matter the outcome.


Atmosfera bola crazy. Hlavne pri prichode fighterov, epicka hudba, slahajuce plamene a vysvietena klietka v strede miestnosti. Nie ze by som predtym nemal, no mam teraz este vacsi respekt pre kazdeho, kto si na toto trufne.

BJJ in action

At the end, only 9 fights took place. Out of these, 6 were finished by a BJJ technique! Of course we were super excited always when next submission worked and a guy had to tap. It was a nice showcase for BJJ that evening, successful submissions were: Guillotine, 2x Triangle, Americana, Armbar and RNC. All the major ones!

Jiu jitsu v akcii

Nakoniec sa odohralo len 9 fightov, no 6 z nich bolo ukoncenych uspesnou jiu-jitsu technikou. Samozrejme to nas z nasho gymu brutalne tesilo. Bola to super ukazka, preco je BJJ najefektivnejsie bojove umenie v situacii 1v1. 4 fighty skoncili skrtenim (2x triangle, 1x RNC, 1x guillotine) a 2 skoncili pakou na klb (armbar, americana)

Doctor by the week, fighter by the weekend

Johhny's fight ended prematurely because of the low blow to the groin. It wasn't intentional and fight was declared no contest. But before this, it was going great for Johnny. Next interesting thing was, that Dani,another guy of our gym was a main cornerman during all 3 amateur fights. He finished his studies last year and currently works in local hospital as a doctor. It's funny, how different life of a person can be during week and weekend.
People shouldn't have any prejudices against these fighters...
They are ofen students, husbands an in general normal people who just want to test themselves. Dani himself has already had 6 pro fights.

Doktor cez tyzden, fighter cez vikend

Johnnyho fight skoncil predcasne kvoli nestastnemu kolenu do slabin. Nebolo to naschval a fight bol uznany ako remiza. Predtym to vsak pre Johnnyho vyzeralo velmi dobre, vela ludi si mysli, ze jeho super to prifilmoval. Dalsia zaujmava vec bola, ze Dani, dalsi chalan co s nami trenuje, bol hlavny trener v rohu pocas vsetkych 3 amaterskych fightov. Minuly rok skoncil studium a momentalne pracuje v Innsbruckej nemocnici ako lekar. Sranda, ako odlisny vie byt zivot cloveka cez tyzden a vikend.
Ludia by voci tymto fighterom nemali mat predsudky...
Casto su to uplne bezni ludia - studenti alebo dospeli muzi s rodinou, ktori sa chcu len otestovat. Dani ma za sebou uz 6 pro zapasov.

Whole experience

It was awesome! On top of everything, it was really cool to see BJJ techniques stand their ground in the striking environment.

Thanks for reading!


Bolo to mega! Samozrejme najlepsie na tom vsetkom bolo vidiet, ako sa BJJ znova osvedcilo aj pri pravidlach kedy sa moze udierat, kopat atd...

Dik za precitanie!

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  5. I'm BAAACK! Knee is 100% healed + talk about consistency in BJJ and STEEMIT
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