"No buy, no problem! Good karma, just look"



We were 3 days into our 32 days long trip in northern India and Nepal. We had 5000 kilometers ahead of us. Using the dirtiest and cheapest class in the Indian trains, we knew we have to be packed as light as possible. And despite this, our materialistic western eyes could not resist this guy and his "beautiful, traditional" bedsheets which we can get only in this city (Amritsar). Everyone bought a piece :D They were huge and we had problems carrying them along the whole month. Of course, we have seen the very same bedsheets the whole month in every other town as well :D He got us, naive european travellers. We thought he's not lying because of the opening sentence he used. "He's talking about karma, he's not lying for sure..". But honestly, I love the fact we got scammed :D These Indian street sellers should all get PhD in Sales.

"No buy, no problem! Good karma, just look"


Z nasho 32 dnoveho tripu po severnej Indii a Nepale uplynuli este iba 3 dni. Mali sme pred sebou 5000 kilometrov. Vedeli sme, ze musime byt nabaleny nalahko, kedze sme na prepravu pouzivali najlacnejsiu a najspinavsiu dopravu v indii - spacie vozne "Sleepers class". Napriek tomu nase materialisticke zapadniarske ocka neodolali a kazdy sme si kupili jednu tuto "tradicnu, nadhernu" plachtu na postel, ktoru vieme dostat len v tomto meste (Amritsar). Tie deky boli obrovske a mali sme s ich prepravou problem cely mesiac :D No a samozrejme, sme uplne rovnake deky videli v kazdom dalsom meste :D. Dostal nas, naivnych europanov. Mysleli sme, ze neklame skrz tu uvodnu vetu o karme. Ale popravde ma to vobec nehneva, odviedol s nami dobru robotu. Tito indicki predavaci by vsetci mali dostat v tomto odbore PhD.

"Nekupite, nevadi! Za ukazanie dostanem dobru karmu"

This is also my entry for today´s #colourfulphotography contest hosted by @juliank.

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. [3 months in Pakistan #3] Northern areas
  2. I'm BAAACK! Knee is 100% healed + talk about consistency in BJJ and STEEMIT
  3. Alpine treasure - town hidden in mountains
  4. My first #Ulog!
  5. Worst coffee art fail ever.. I couldn't believe my eyes! :D
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