Blockchain – I got to the end but it keeps growing...

I have come to the end of a short series about the Blockchain. I wanted to:

  • Explore the Blockchain in 2016
  • Call out some key applications, use cases and companies to watch in this space
  • Give every day motivations for it in everyday language

Scratching the surface
I was very enthusiastic when I first heard about Bitcoin, but I have to admit the Blockchain never really excited me until I started this series of posts. It has applications from ranging from Banking to Identity. There is so much I have not covered I feel like I only begun to scratch the surface. I thought I had gotten to the end but the Blockchain and its applications keep growing and growing :)


2017 is going to be a big year for Blockchain. I hope these posts have given some inspiration and help people to think of new possibilities for this revolutionary piece of engineering.
Personally I will explore next how it can be used for more transparency and fund raising for the NGO sector.

Previous Posts in this series

Blockchain – Beyond Bitcoin
Blockchain – Beyond Bitcoin (Part 2)
Blockchain – Beyond Bitcoin (Part 3) Banking
Blockchain – Beyond Bitcoin (Part 4) Trade / Ecommerce
Blockchain – Beyond Bitcoin (Part 5) Investments and Insurance
Blockchain – Beyond Bitcoin (Part 6) Social Media, Digital Media and Publishing
Blockchain – Beyond Bitcoin (Part 7) Social and Public Good
Blockchain – Beyond Bitcoin (Part 8) Identity

Thank you for reading this. I write on Steemit about Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Travel and lots of random topics.

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