The Steemit Crowd-Sourced Video... and Not Being a Weather Girl...

A few days ago I was asked to participate in a fantabulous creative project idea from @teamhumble.

He's looking for Steemit peeps to record one line, on video, and send it over to him so he can stitch together a super-duper colaborative Steemit video. Awesome!

Here's the post: Steemit Crowdsourced Video Post

So, of course, I said yes. And the next day I set off to a nearby park to record my one line.

I thought it would take a few minutes.

Half an hour later I had a bunch of takes like this one (I can't even remember what happened here):

And this one (Some kind of rabbit in headlights scenario clearly):

Ok, I did have a few more takes but I realised when I got home that my camera lens had a smudge on it, plus I'd apparently forgotten how to just be me and was instead attempting to be an overly enthusiastic weather girl.


I got home and showed my other half a few of the (I thought) decent takes, and he took one look and burst out laughing.

Why on earth are you talking like that?! he cried through tears of mirth.

Like what? I pouted.

Like you're the woman off the Persil advert!

I immediately proceeded to get into a big huff with him and childishly started accusing him of not supporting me in ANYTHING I DO EVER...

Go me. [rolls eyes]

He was completely right of course.

Anyway, today is a new day. And I've now sent a new video over to @teamhumble, which I'm happy to say is less 'weather girl-ish' and more me. Kinda.

But, although I'm currently less than perfect at chilling out in front of a camera and just being me, I have been inspired to practice more and maybe bite the bullet and start doing some vlogs here on Steemit.

So watch this space!

And oh, I believe there are still a few lines left that have yet to be claimed for this project.

So if you fancy it, get yourself over to that post and sign up to be part of the very first Steemit video collaboration! Here's the link again!

Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it!! Here are some more posts you might like...

Skateboarding Awesomeness

You Beautiful Rust Bucket, You...

Travel With Me to Hope Barton Barns

The Revolt of Tuesday (or How I Lost Confidence in Words and Turned Inward for Answers Instead)

Who I'm Loving Right Now:

Solver of problems, teller of stories.

Follow me, @johleen if you like the kind of stuff I do. If you don't, then don't!!

Much love!

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