IMPORTANT: Update On How To Submit Your Contest Photos!


First of all, thank you all for participating in these contests on a daily basis and sharing your wonderful thoughts about other photos made by other contestants <3

As more and more people are participating I can spend less and less time per photo to judge these. As my time is a limited resource. Therefor, I am constantly looking out for new ways to improve my workflow and automate certain aspects. For going over all of the entries I noticed that works better for me because of the larger thumbnails and the faster loading times.

What I do now is that I glance over all of the thumbnails to see if there are any photos I want to have a closer look at. This means that if you have multiple photos per post I will most likely only see the first one. So make sure this is your best photo.

In a way this is good, since this means you will have to put more thought in which photo you want to use to draw my attention ;)

TL:DR Make sure you post your best photo as the first one, since I glance over thumbnails on busy to improve my workflow


Monday: foodphotography and animalphotography
Tuesday: landscapephotography and cityscapephotography
Wednesday: architecturalphotography and vehiclephotography
Thursday: macrophotography and colourfulphotography
Friday: streetphotography and travelphotography
Saturday: sportsphotography and smartphonephotography
Sunday: goldenhourphotography and longexposurephotography


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Useful links

Photography Contests FAQ
5 Ways To Increase Your Followers And Their Engagement On Steemit
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