A #Blockchain-Tribute: My Parents/Their Story/The Start (Part 1)

This is a special tribute to my parents, permanently secured on a blockchain for future generations to see.

I know my mom looks for new posts from me every day so... mom, this is for you!

How it started

A mutual love for the outdoors

My parents, from Taiwan, met in college and hung out in the same group. They had a mutual love of the outdoors and had a group of friends who loved to camp and hike across the island. My parent's generation was shy when it came to the opposite sex. So when it was time to sleep, the girls would play rock, paper, scissors to see who would have to end up sleeping next to a guy. Whichever girl lost would sleep all night with the blankets pulled up over her head. My mom said it was hard to breathe under the covers.

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Mom flew away

My mom decided to go to America to finish school. My mom flew. Here's a picture of my dad, along with a busload of friends and family seeing my mom off as she starts her new adventure. Keep in mind, they are just friends so my mom has no idea that my dad's heart is breaking.

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Dad followed by crossing an ocean

For six months, my dad wrote letters. For every four letters my mom received, she wrote one back. He wrote about mundane things... what he ate, what he did that day, and he also shared his undying love for her. He eventually found a big cargo ship that carried a handful of passengers and jumped on. The trip across the ocean took almost a month.

Wedding bells


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A stolen kiss

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Introducing Mr. and Mrs.

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A new family is formed

Baby #1

This is a picture of my mom and dad with their first child. My sister... isn't she a dumplin'?
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Two More Babies

I thought this was such a cute picture because of the way my dad is looking at my mom.
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Their Story (to be continued)

My thoughts

  • My dad passed several years ago and I couldn't think of a better gift to give my mom than a walk down memory lane.
  • The eulogy I gave for my dad.

An insightful comment

Thank you @andalucia for this insightful comment! As you can see, because of your comment, I was inspired to change my title and created a new tag #blockchain-tribute that I hope others will use.
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Techtips about this post

  • All photos on this post were compressed in file size up to 80%, allowing for faster load time using less bandwidth. To learn how, click here to see a previous post I did for my Bookmarkable Series.
  • Posted as a beta tester on the new upcoming Busy.org interface. To become a beta tester, click here.

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Creator of the Bookmarkable Series… because some things are just meant to be saved.

Part of the @unmentionable family.

You can also find me @karencarrens on Discord as well as Steemit.Chat.

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