What I am working on lately


If you follow me, you know that I make an effort to post daily (unless there are some reasons I cannot access Steemit at the time because it is down). I post about a lot of things because, let's face it, I have a lot of interests or things I like to talk about and discuss.

Since I was going down a bit of a not so productive road with my thoughts today I thought hey, why not just show you what I am up to on a regular basis outside of my posts.

Final Cut Pro X


This is one of my newest adventures. I post vlogs, I do stories that are suitable for kids which have videos using pictures and voiceovers, and I make K-pop videos highlight things, and karaoke videos and I also want to eventually do some videos for songs. I am not there yet but I am having fun. I am doing some online training of this so that I can get a bit better.

Fiction/Creative Writing

I have a few ideas in my pocket right now. I am doing the MOTU thing as of last week, so I have stories for that to make. I also have some pictures sitting aside that I need to develop, put in order, write a story for and then do a video of. Most of all though I need to come up with the actual written story. This next picture is a sneak preview of that kid-friendly story I will be writing.


Playing with Logic Pro X


This is Logic Pro X, and it is really interesting. I, however, do not play an instrument. The only instrument I have and use is my voice, which if you have ever seen any of my karaoke videos you will know that I love to sing. So, I thought why not start to play with this program and learn how to make music, or something of that sort anyways so that I could perhaps start writing and singing some of my own. This isn't on the top of my list but it is coming, and I also have a few books to read on songwriting and spurring that creative source as well.

I like to Sew and make clothes

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Before Steemit came along, I was really into this. I have a ton of fabric and patterns and some designs of my own that I want to do. I cooled it down a bit because I wanted to focus so much on getting myself off the ground here, and on top of that my sewing machine has been acting up a bit so I have to open it up and tinker with it or take it in to get serviced. Honestly, my machine is over 10 years old at this point and was basic, to begin with so one of these days I will upgrade it, but not yet.

I have been slowly learning Korean

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This is also another thing I had been focusing a bit more heavily on before Steemit. I love K-pop (Obviously, duh) and have read a lot about South Korea. I love k-dramas and Korean food, and just so much of it that I plan to visit it one day, maybe even one day soon. So since I like so much and the fact that I try to sing to it, I had thought it would be a good idea to learn Korean. I have always wanted to learn a second language and being from Canada I learned French in school from about Grade 7 to Grade 10 and it was not required after that. So, I gave up French for Drama as I loved Drama, acting, improv, and even singing in the plays. I started to learn Korean maybe about 2 years ago to be honest when I started to take it a bit more seriously. I looked up College courses and whatnot to see the books they used and so I grabbed the first volume and that is one of the ways I have been learning. I had on and off periods but of course retained the info I learned which is awesome. I have put the books down and stuff but have been talking about it with people recently and I think it is time to put a little more time into it. Where will I find that time? I don't know that yet but I like learning new things.

That's about it.

There is always stuff I am doing but those things above, outside of also what I write about here through my blogs, vlogs, and even my cooking (which I do several times a day).

I wish I had an unlimited amount of time, but we are all graced with the same hours in a day.

I am managing my time pretty well these days but I do have to make time for a couple of these things I enjoy that maybe I don't focus on that much. I am having fun and learning no matter what so that is pretty darn cool if you ask me.

As usual, Stay Awesome Steemians!



Don't forget to check out my Art Contest



Check out some more of my recent posts

Keep a look out for the girls with the boots #MOTU images

#MOTU TeelaKpop heads towards Windemere

300 Followers! I appreciate you all so much so thank you

How I am getting more people onto the dark side

Proof BTS deserves to be the TOP K-POP group



Banner made by @bearone

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