A Vision from the Future - Gardens by the Bay, Singapore / 新加坡海滨花园

While in Singapore 2 weeks ago, I knew that I had to pay a visit to Gardens by the Bay. So named because it is situated in Marina Bay, right in the centre of Singapore and beside the Financial District, it is a large park that has quickly become one of the landmarks of the city-state. Singapore is also known as a “Garden City” and the government has a stated aim of making it a “City in a Garden”.

2周前在新加坡时,我拜访了滨海湾花园。 滨海湾花园位于新加坡滨海湾,在新加坡的中心和金融中心旁。这大型公园自建后,迅速地成为了新加坡的著名地标之一。新加坡也被称为“花园之城”,而政府正试图将新加坡变成“花园之城”。

After exiting from the train station, I was greeted by an iconic sight of the place. The large scale of the park is truly mind-boggling. It really makes you wonder who even got the idea of building the place.

Gardens by the Bay, Singapore / 新加坡海滨花园


This picture alone is worth the trip. That’s the supertree grove on the right, and the conservatories housing plants from temperate regions on the left.

The main attractions are in the center of the garden and a short walk away. On the way, there are a few small themed gardens introducing how gardens are designed in different countries (Japanese, Chinese etc).


The Cloud Forest

The Cloud Forest houses plants from the tropical montane cloud forests and was a highlight of the trip. Upon entering the cooled dome, you are greeted by the spectacular sight of an indoor waterfall and people making their way down around the winding paths encircling the plant-filled structure.


Spot the plants that are made of Lego bricks!


Supertree Grove & Skyway

At night, the supertree grove is lighted up and there are scheduled light shows for all guests at the park.

晚上的Supertree Grove非常漂亮,在特定的时间可以欣赏灯光表演。

Before leaving the park, I went up on to the OCBC Skyway 22 meters above the ground. After a short elevator ride, one gets to enjoy panoramic views of the Supertree Grove and the garden, set against the iconic Marina Bay Sands hotel and the Singapore Eye.

离开公园之前,上了22米高的 OCBC Skyway (空中走道)。 在半空中欣赏欣赏海滨花园 Supertree Grove 的灯光,以及周围新加坡标志性的Marina Bay Sands 酒店以及摩天轮。真的很喜欢这里的夜景!


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What has stayed with me from the visit is the immense amount of effort that has been invested into making the park what it is. It is, without exaggeration, a vision from the future; a blueprint for how mankind and nature can co-exist within the same space.

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